[citation][nom]madjedi74[/nom]It's a prototype people! Stop whinging! How is the development of cool tech like this a bad thing?[/citation]
Shut up and accept it, what a fun concept. One since then complain when we see something going wrong we just watch it play out. I am also sure that that would work out for us for the better. What's this are cell phones are so thin they cut us by holding the edges now, all we really wish we had a thicker phone so it didn't take four seconds to run out the battery that's the size of a button but we never really thought about complaining about this stuff until it was too late.
What I want in a screen, are perfect blacks and great looking color, this kills the color and gives you know black values can as you can see your damn hand through the thing. I just find it stupid that were even putting this kind of technology into cell phone.
I mean sure a store display yes that could be see-through that could be helpful. But a cell phone? No
Here let's go to a more what if scenario.
What if they made these things have such a dark screen that one it turned black it was black you could not see through. Or when there is color on the screen you only see that color you don't have any transparency through it. Now on a cell phone this would be crap, but headmounted display like the oculus rift, I think you know where I'm going with that.
It's not so much technology that we think the stupidest direction they're trying to push it.