[SOLVED] Port-Forwarding Mikrotik router

May 9, 2021
Hello There,

Im having some issues with port forwarding on my Mikrotik router. So basically my network configuration is as followings

Dish (Where the ineternet comes in/out) - The DHCP server is enabled here
Ethernet cable coming of the roof
POE Adapter (to power the Dish)
Lan Ethernet
Access Point

Im having some struggles in Winbox to port forward, maybe i have to do it differently due to the fact that its using a wlan instead, but i've tried messing around with a couple of things and can't seem to get it working.

So lets say my public ip is 105.892.publicip and my pcs local ip is and I want to forward port 7777 TCP, How would I go about doing this, i've attached 2 images of what i've already tried, do I need to make a rule for the public ip? because the network uses a dish instead of ground lines etc? I've had it work in the past so I know it can port forwarding and I've asked my ISP to look into it but they're so slow on response.

Image insert wasn't working so here is the links

In some ways this is where a router with fancy feature like microtik is a pain. It has been a while since I looked at this and I am not sure if they all run the same software. The one I messed with supported vlans and even actual routing protocols. It also let you NAT both the source and destination addresses. What makes this more confusing is it depends on which direction the traffic is going. Not sure you would think they would have a example. It took me forever to learn how cisco commerical routers do this...they too can nat both the source and destination IP. You general home router does NAT on the SOURCE IP when you look at it from the stand point of traffic going from the LAN to the WAN.
It would be nice if port forwarding worked the same on all routers. Some are so confusing to configure.

If there is a DMZ option that is your best first thing to try since it tends to be simpler. After you get that to work you can try to do just the ports you actually need.

So does your IP actually start with 105 or did you make that up....it can't have 892 as the second octet.

If the microtek router the one you calling the "dish"

If that is a actual config you have a typo in your lan ip.
so the public ip i just made up as i dont want to give out that info. The dish/router on the roof acts as the actual router for the whole network

As for the DMZ im unsure to be honest I was trying to open the ports in the NAT on the firewall and its not working under "defualt" configuration id call it. I'll look into the DMZ
yes that's where I got my Public IP from, my actual ip begins with 105.28.xxx.xxx

See i've been trying alot, but my network configuration is weird, Its a wireless network that connects via Radio to other towers. I have a static public IP and have had port forwarding work before but its been a while.

im unsure how to setup a DMZ and i've tried generic and more advance port forwarding and can't get it working
In some ways this is where a router with fancy feature like microtik is a pain. It has been a while since I looked at this and I am not sure if they all run the same software. The one I messed with supported vlans and even actual routing protocols. It also let you NAT both the source and destination addresses. What makes this more confusing is it depends on which direction the traffic is going. Not sure you would think they would have a example. It took me forever to learn how cisco commerical routers do this...they too can nat both the source and destination IP. You general home router does NAT on the SOURCE IP when you look at it from the stand point of traffic going from the LAN to the WAN.
Well as far as I know it can NAt both source and destination IP but im very unsure with the rest of the configuration. Im connecting to a tower that has a backbone to a Fibre line. Alot of what im seeing inside winbox looks alot different to most examples or tutorials im looking at, while I understand the basics, clearly the "basics" don't work here. So what im going to have to do is just wait for my ISP to eventually respond and set it up for me.

see its a DHCP network
Wlan/Radio (> POE -> Access Point(
Then my computer ip is
and my public ip is 105.25.xxx.xxx (obviously not handing it out)

in the Nat menu I have a masquerade setup (by defualt) for the Wlan for incoming traffic, but after messing around for 1-2 hours i just can't get it working.