[SOLVED] Possible Motherboard or CPU issue ?

Jul 18, 2021
Motherboard: Aorus B550 Pro AC
RAM: Corsair vengeance RGB Pro 3200Mhz
CPU: Ryzen 7 5800x
GPU: Gigabyte 1050ti

When using my RAM in slots 1+3 I got crashes, so I ran the windows memeory diagnostic tool, which says “your computer has a memory problem”.

In slots 2+4 I don’t get this message, and also do not get this in single channel in any of the 4 slots.
I downloaded memtest86 and in slots 1+3 I got a lot of errors, around 700 during test 6 then a few in test 7 and 8. In total I had around 900 errors.

The CPUs affected were 0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14.

Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
Why would you put it in slot 1 and 3? most motherboard with 4 memory slots use daisy chain, it is best to put the ram slot at slot 2 and 4. It's not a motherboard faulty.