Provided your PSU has 24Amps (or greater) on the 12V rail, and has the appropriate connectors - you should be fine, in terms of wattage.
As @Woohoopy stated, reliability may be another question all together.
From a Google search, a "DE 480" PSU appears to be from Deepcool
It has 15Amps on each 12V rail - 15x2 x 12 = 360W. If that is the PSU you have, it should certainly run it, but I can't find a single reliable review on the model itself - so I can't speak to it's protection &/or reliability.
wong_2 :
This is the exact PSU I have. I bought the PC as a whole, and it was advertised as a 500w PSU. Im actually thinking of taking the PSU back and ask for what'a advertised.
We replied at the same time.
The PSU is marketed as a 480W PSU, but in reality, it would be more accurate to call it a 360W PSU.
But, that's how the misleading marketing goes on PSUs.
If you were to insist on a 500W PSU, it's unlikely you'd get a PSU that's any worse really. It's worth a shot.