Question Presentation of Corsair Obsidian 500D RGB

Jun 21, 2019
Hace una hora recibí el Corsair Obsidian 500D RGB que ordené de Amazon.
¿Se supone que todo está conectado al Comandante pro y los cables organizados?

Esta es una imagen de cómo se ve.

¿Todo esta bien? ¿Debo pedir un reemplazo?


An hour ago I received the Corsair Obsidian 500D RGB that I ordered from Amazon.
Is everything supposed to be connected to the Pro Commander and the organized cables?

This is an image of what it looks like.

It's all right? Should I ask for a replacement?
Best regards.
[QUOTE = "rgd1101, post: 21107914, miembro: 599562"]
nop Ustedes tienen que hacerlo ustedes mismos.
Al aire libre
Gracias por su rápida respuesta.
Significa que alguien lo usó y luego lo devolvió. ¿cierto?
Significa que alguien lo usó y luego lo devolvió. ¿cierto?
Nobody has used it before. Corsair most likely connected the cables in the factory. Is the plastic peel/cover still on the glass? If so, then it has not been used.

Nadie lo ha usado antes. Corsair probablemente conectó los cables en la fábrica. ¿Está aún la cáscara / tapa de plástico en el vidrio? Si es así, entonces no se ha utilizado.
Nobody has used it before. Corsair most likely connected the cables in the factory. Is the plastic peel/cover still on the glass? If so, then it has not been used.
It makes sense what you say, it still has the plastic, but they made me doubt these rubbers and that there was a bit of dust in the space of the power supply.
Do you think that it's also part of Corsair?


Nevermind. That's probably a return. I would recommend returning it to Amazon directly. That is most definitely not how cases are supposed to come.

No importa. Eso es probablemente un regreso. Recomendaría devolverlo a Amazon directamente. Definitivamente no es así como se supone que van a venir los casos.
Nevermind. That's probably a return. I would recommend returning it to Amazon directly. That is most definitely not how cases are supposed to come.
Thank you for your help, it's currently exhausted, this sounds stupid but. Is there any way to make sure that the next request isn´t the same case that I returned?
Is there any way to make sure that the next request isn´t the same case that I returned?
I was thinking about that too. The easiest way I could think of was to buy it from a different seller on Amazon. Reply if you need help finding how to change sellers.

También estaba pensando en eso. La forma más fácil en la que podía pensar era comprarlo en un vendedor diferente en Amazon. Responde si necesitas ayuda para saber cómo cambiar de vendedor.
Yes, please, I have always thought that all the additional information is good.
Ok so I'm on vacation right now so I don't have access to a computer so I'll have to do this from memory. On the desktop version of amazon, look on the right side of the screen. You should see a list of sellers below the add to cart/bag button. There's a button next to the seller's name that selects the seller and adds the item to the cart. It should also say the price for the item. If the list of sellers is not there, then there might not be any other sellers to buy from and you will just have to test your luck and buy from the same seller. If you can't find the list of sellers, please reply.

Ok, ahora estoy de vacaciones, así que no tengo acceso a una computadora, así que tendré que hacer esto de memoria. En la versión de escritorio de Amazon, mire en el lado derecho de la pantalla. Debería ver una lista de vendedores debajo del botón agregar al carrito / bolsa. Hay un botón junto al nombre del vendedor que selecciona al vendedor y agrega el artículo al carrito. También debe decir el precio del artículo. Si la lista de vendedores no está allí, entonces es posible que no haya otros vendedores para comprar y solo tendrá que probar su suerte y comprar al mismo vendedor. Si no puede encontrar la lista de vendedores, responda.
Ok so I'm on vacation right now so I don't have access to a computer so I'll have to do this from memory. On the desktop version of amazon, look on the right side of the screen. You should see a list of sellers below the add to cart/bag button. There's a button next to the seller's name that selects the seller and adds the item to the cart. It should also say the price for the item. If the list of sellers is not there, then there might not be any other sellers to buy from and you will just have to test your luck and buy from the same seller. If you can't find the list of sellers, please reply.
Thank you for your help in this topic, I think I'll be fine.
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