Print spooler

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Jul 5, 2011
Do I have to perform a clean install & reload the entire operating system or is there a registry fix to stop the print spooler circular dependency: error 1059?
A circular dependency is something you should be able to repair. You need to find out what the dependency loop is - you can open the "Services" console as follows:

Start -> right-click "Computer" and select "Manage"
Navigate to "Services and Applications" in the left pane
Scroll down to "Print Spooler" in the right pane and double-click it.

Click on the "Dependencies" tab to see the dependencies. A circular dependency basically means that service A can't run until service B is running, but B can't run until C is running, and C can't run until A is running. It's basically a Catch-22 situation.

If you trace through the various dependencies you should hopefully be able to figure out which ones are part of the dependency loop...
A circular dependency is something you should be able to repair. You need to find out what the dependency loop is - you can open the "Services" console as follows:

Start -> right-click "Computer" and select "Manage"
Navigate to "Services and Applications" in the left pane
Scroll down to "Print Spooler" in the right pane and double-click it.

Click on the "Dependencies" tab to see the dependencies. A circular dependency basically means that service A can't run until service B is running, but B can't run until C is running, and C can't run until A is running. It's basically a Catch-22 situation.

If you trace through the various dependencies you should hopefully be able to figure out which ones are part of the dependency loop. Then it's a matter of taking a guess and removing one of the dependencies to see what happens.
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