I am having an issue that I have had in the past with the Cisco 9865HDC brand of DVRs. At times when I had my soundbar an LG LAS551H connected via ARC I would usually set my Soundbar to 13 out of 100 and get great sound. One Samsung I had produced fine sound but the follow up one did not through the bar. I just purchased a qn5580DT and have the bar connected via ARC. I have the same box connected and the volume is now comfortable at about 25-30, sometimes higher. In the devices menu I see many various settings (wide, fixed, variable, stereo) that I have no idea what I should have them set to. Also, I have read about CEC (not sure what it entails) issues and that some have been fixed using a Lindy HDMI CEC Less Adapter, Female to Male to correct any CEC issues. Could someone please tell me what the settings should be on this television in the devices menu and see if it helps it? Would the adapter help? I would try a new DVR but I have the Enhanced one and while I know they are hard to find but I can get one my entire series manager (of which I have 32) gets erased and then I have to find each show over to set the DVR. When it is out of season for a show and you have to keep track to reset the DVR is a pain. Any help would certainly be appreciated.