Properties Disclosure?



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.perform_maintain (More info?)

When I right click on an exe file and select Properties: the Company,
Version Number, Date Created etc is not available in XP Pro.

Is there another way to determine this informatiom or did that feature
leave along with the ability to defragment a floppy?

The more I am learning about XP (Pro at least) the more I am finding
changed or--- totally missing. :-(

Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.perform_maintain (More info?)

This info is still in XP.

Right click a file | Properties | Version tab

This info is part of the file and not all files have real good info.
Especially if it is spyware or a virus. Or whoever put it together was lazy
or secretive.

Click a category on the left to display the information on the right.

Other version information
Item Name:
File Version
Internal Name
Original File Name
Product Name
Product Version

Sometimes, if someone was really industrious, there is info under the
Summary tab also.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

In news😛,
Johann Backer <> hunted and pecked:
> When I right click on an exe file and select Properties: the Company,
> Version Number, Date Created etc is not available in XP Pro.
> Is there another way to determine this information or did that feature
> leave along with the ability to defragment a floppy?
> The more I am learning about XP (Pro at least) the more I am finding
> changed or--- totally missing. :-(
> Johann