Let me start by saying no I have not read every post in this thread so bear with me if this has already been said. I feel almost a compulsion to do this same post on every thread like this comparing pcs to consoles. A CONSOLE AND A PC CANNOT BE COMPARED. That is not an apples and apples comparison both have their advantages. As has been said 1000 times before pcs can be upgraded and consoles cannot. Also when developing for a console you have ONE set of hardware to develop for be it ps3 or xbox360 or wii. Console games are coded very specifically for one set of hardware to make the most out of what you got. With pc games there are millions of hardware combinations, but because of the ever increasing power of pc's computer games will always look better than on a console. There is absolutely no fair way to compare a console to a pc they are in 2 totally different worlds and it is utterly pointless to try and compare one to the other. Both have advantages and disadvantages just go for what you want.
I wanted to add personally I think there should be a ban on all console vs pc threads. They do "sometimes" provide good information but in the end it is a fruitless discussion. There will never be a diffinative answer and it only leads to endless page after page after page of arguments that end up not being very productive.
I wanted to add personally I think there should be a ban on all console vs pc threads. They do "sometimes" provide good information but in the end it is a fruitless discussion. There will never be a diffinative answer and it only leads to endless page after page after page of arguments that end up not being very productive.