PSU and Heat

Well I sort of disagreed with a computer salesman today. Then while at the local surplus store picking up some spare parts, I asked him and he sided with the computer salesman.

I was under the impression that unless you were drawing the extra power from a PSU it wouldn't create extra heat. Now both of these guys are trying to tell me that a 500 watt PSU would run hotter than a 400 watt PSU even though I would be drawing the same amount of power from both.

I thought the amount of heat was directly related to the amount of power drawn?

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You're right, they're wrong. And I wouldn't worry about it anyway in respect to the system, since a power supply exhaust more heat than it puts into the case.

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If the 400 watt ps was operating at peak, verses the 500 watt one, then the 400 watt one would be generating more heat, until it fried...

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Salesman lie, even when they are telling the truth.

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I was pretty sure I was right, but then when two people told this, it had me wondering. Thanks for verifying.

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PSUs will only take what they need. They dont do the peek all the time. The more it needs, the hotter they get. But really this is a relative concept the PSU design and draw onto it.

Hell my purepower 420 burns hotter than my truepower 550.

<i><font color=red>Only an overclocker can make a computer into a convectional oven.</i></font color=red>