I've built a few PCs in the past, but nothing for a few years. Now I am starting a build in a Corsair 650D case with the PSU on the bottom, which is new for me.
Some 650D reviews mention that you have a choice for orientation of the PSU at the bottom--fan on the bottom (to the outside) or on the top--but none I've read says any more about it. My quick analysis says that if the fan is at the bottom it will cool the PSU better because it's drawing in outside air, but the heat from the PSU will rise and warm up the rest of the components. But if the fan is on the top, it will be drawing warmer air into the PSU but helping with airflow of the case as a whole.
My guess is that the first scenario with the fan on the outside is probably better, in part because there are plenty of fans in the case, but I would really like to hear some expert opinions on this.
Some 650D reviews mention that you have a choice for orientation of the PSU at the bottom--fan on the bottom (to the outside) or on the top--but none I've read says any more about it. My quick analysis says that if the fan is at the bottom it will cool the PSU better because it's drawing in outside air, but the heat from the PSU will rise and warm up the rest of the components. But if the fan is on the top, it will be drawing warmer air into the PSU but helping with airflow of the case as a whole.
My guess is that the first scenario with the fan on the outside is probably better, in part because there are plenty of fans in the case, but I would really like to hear some expert opinions on this.