... and therefore it's bad today regardless of how good it was back then.
No, it's only "bad" if you drive it as though it were a car with an airbag that can protect you from an impact that will require an airbag in order to be protected. And if you're doing that, then you're an idiot to begin with, and probably deserve to go through the windshield.
Plus, not all newer standards and requirements are always "better", by a long shot. While I'm sure air bags save lives in specific circumstances, I've PERSONALLY seen a LOT MORE people seriously hurt by them, than saved by them. If you drive off a cliff, then yeah, an airbag might be helpful. Maybe. Or if you get T-boned, it COULD help you, but most likely, if you get T-boned in such a way that there is a NEED for a side impact airbag, you are probably getting crushed by the incoming vehicle anyway and it's not going to make much difference. On the other hand, airbags that deploy when they shouldn't, and it happens pretty often (And I'm not even talking about the millions of recalls from various defective designs), might seriously injure your or your passenger, especially if your passenger happens to be a kid because a lot of the systems designed to disable the passenger airbag if the passenger is below a certain weight, as with kids that are smaller than adults but bigger than infants, often have serious problems functioning correctly. I see them in my shop all the time. Manufacturers are constantly releasing firmware revisions to try and correct these problems and there are even class action lawsuits against many of them so the fact that a required protection is newer does not necessarily mean that is is superior, beneficial or even good.
Or, that it will ever, ever, be needed. It might, under the right circumstances, but for MOST people, that circumstance is something that is exceedingly unlikely. So, having a seatbelt for a PSU is one thing, because we know that it is very likely in a variety of circumstances, that it might save your life or the life of your passenger. Airbags on the other hand, MIGHT save your life. It might also kill you. Sure, it's not a perfect comparison, but it is comparable enough to show that not everything new under the sun is necessarily necessary OR even good in some circumstances. I'm sure there are better examples, but I don't have the desire to create them right now.
I've used group regulated S12II and M12II power supplies, including various iterations of them, as well as DC-DC versions of those units in the higher power capacities, for many years, on a variety of different kinds of systems, for myself and for customers, and not a SINGLE ONE every had ANY problems associated with not having OCP or OTP.
Obviously, given the choice, it's probably better to have them than to not have them, IF you get into a situation where the conditions for needing it are met, but then again even on a variety of very good platforms from traditionally very good OEMs, there are absolutely a high number of instances where these "protections" are not configured correctly and they present either no protection at all unless you SERIOUSLY exceed the envelope where you ought to be operating anyhow, or are configured so low that they create problems even when operating under normal conditions for the devices in question. Misconfigured protections actually seems to PROVABLY and in real world situations, cause more problems than the lack of them ever has. And again, not saying they shouldn't be there, but I AM saying that just because they ARE there, does not automatically make a unit that has them better than some other unit that doesn't. Yes, I AM saying THAT.
And as far as Saga Lout is concerned, you need to cease and desist on that front. I assure you, he was playing around with power supplies long before you were ever pulled screaming from your mama. While some of the things he says might not seem like common sense to you on the surface, I assure you that he rarely says anything that isn't either factual or distinctly provable, or is based in experience rooted in MANY years of living as a systems builder, integrator and repair technician, professionally, for a living. Usually if he says a thing, you can be pretty sure that it's not just some BS coming out of his mouth. You didn't go too far, at all, but let's make sure we don't either because respect is compulsory here, for you, and everyone. Thanks.