Darkbreeze :
The 750w Photon had an abysmal review. I'd never recommend one.
And are you looking at the scoring page or the review? I don't see anything that would put this in the same class as many of the other tier 3 units. One thing the chipped off corner of the PCB shows is that this is not a cherrypicked unit, unlike many units from some other companies that are most likely cherrypicked (Seasonic, I'm looking at you). It's also not something that you'd probably see on other PCBs of the same unit. If he had gotten a unit without the chip, nobody would even know about it.
So besides the chipped corner and sleeve bearing fan, the chipped corner not really doing any harm, what makes this unit on the level of the EVGA 430W and 500W? I can think of three significantly better things: DC-DC and higher quality caps. Better ripple. Modularity.