Karadjgne :
Wait. So who's right and who is wrong? Turkey says he's sure a TH German psu reviewer confirmed HEC, yet ko888 I've never known to be that wrong about any psu. Yet JonnyG also says many T1 units are also HEC, but then again I wouldn't think either Seasonic or Channel Well would have a need to outsource as large as they are.
I don't mean to start a war, even of words, but I have enough trouble trying to get stuff straight as to who is OEM for what brand without having to wonder over things like recommending a certain level of decent psu only to find out that the actual OEM is someone entirely different who doesn't live up to the standard of quality of the original. If that makes any sense. I'd not be pleased to find out that all those years I'd said 'sure, that XFX is a great unit, built by Seasonic, I'd lied through ignorance, because it was really built by HEC.
I don't mean to start a war, even of words, but I have enough trouble trying to get stuff straight as to who is OEM for what brand without having to wonder over things like recommending a certain level of decent psu only to find out that the actual OEM is someone entirely different who doesn't live up to the standard of quality of the original. If that makes any sense. I'd not be pleased to find out that all those years I'd said 'sure, that XFX is a great unit, built by Seasonic, I'd lied through ignorance, because it was really built by HEC.
I actually found what I was looking for. I was off a bit.