Well, seriously, mb/psu screws are supposed to be serrated on the back of the head. It's to break/scratch any oxidation/paint etc so as to initiate a good solid ground.
Well at least your psu was a brand name, db, back a couple hundred years ago when I was building/fixing full time for a living, 99% of what I got to deal with was OEM psus. Every now and then I suppose I got to work on a Seasonic or Delta OEM, but then I didn't realize that's what they were because nothing was labeled worth a damn. I'd open a case, see bestec or logysis, turbo king, or even nothing at all. It was enough to make ya just tear out your hair lol.
Honestly wonder if it wouldn't be worth it to toss tier4 altogether. 1,2,3 then 5. Solve a lot of issues, either it's ok or better, or its junk.