PSU tier list 2.0

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Depends on your point of view. The RM series is 80+ Gold, the B2 is 80+ Bronze. Both are extremely well built using very good parts. Both have superior ripple suppression and outputs. The issue with the RM's is they don't like heat under high loads, bad thermal design properties. The 750/850 by far being the worst. The B2's don't have this problem.

So the B2's aren't as efficient, the RM's are more temperamental under pressure. With wattage to spare, either one will be fine. On the other hand, the B2 is quite affordable, the RM's overpriced. So for me, the B2 is a much better value.

A TR2 PSU killed my mates i3/GTX 960 system recently. Everything died. Stupid idea in the first place but oh well.

It's a Seasonic, it's good. With Seasonic/XFX, you can just buy it and know it's going to be good.

I feel that Corsair power supplies are often bought for their design. Have to say their power supplies always do look very sweet, much better than most EVGA and Seasonic units.
Not a fair comparison anyways, being the giant corsair fan that you are, tiny. But I do like the Evga and Seasonic units better, I have a more classically subdued taste, so wild lettering and bright red/yellow/blue/green lettering on the Corsair units I find a tad gaudy.
Oh C'mon man. You know you like the old school generic stuff, like they used to have in the grocery stores with just white packaging and black letters that just had a basic description. Like this. You know you want one like this.


- superflower isn't "giant" by any standard
- neither are "the best" manufacturer for build quality, but seasonic wins that war on quantity of good platforms alone.
- in terms of performance the leadex wins, but they're even if seasonic uses capacitors in cables to lower ripple below 20mV on their XP3/KM3 stuff, really though, this is another win for seasonic on quantity of good psus alone.
- seasonic most likely has better customer support being more established and having a good name for longer. superflower used to be known for cheap second and third tier caps and group regulated units and always farmed out production. they still aren't sold in many markets around the world.
- value depends on several things. if you pay $20 over MSRP or the psu blows up in a month, bad value.

You'd be hard pressed to find a unit by either company that wasn't a good investment in any price/capacity range. Customer service probably goes to Seasonic in most markets, but where you're at is a major factor as neither company has a presence regionally in EVERY market and RMAs, if ever needed, will have to be shipped out of country in those instances. If you're in the US for example, I'm pretty sure Super Flower has no presence here but are prevalent overseas in many markets.

Seasonic on the other hand, generally has units available in most countries, but may not have a regional repair center located close enough to make it make sense in the event there's ever a problem. Checking into the availability of a service center regionally should be a priority if you're in a country with poor infrastructure or small markets.

Also, "giant" is highly subjective, by any standard. Giant in terms of sheer numbers of units produced and giant in terms of quality and reputation are two entirely different things. In terms of quality and reputation, Super Flower is most certainly a "giant".
Ugh, that ripple on the 650W EVGA GQ. Are these the new "high quality" EVGA units that they're trying to replace the G2 with? Don't get me wrong, they are high quality, but the G2, its predecessor, far exceeds them. I would have really expected better ripple though, I like my flat lines 😛
The GQ isn't a replacement for the G2 by any means. If anything, it seems like Evga is trying to capitalize on the current success of the G2 and it's name recognition, with another line of psus aimed at the crowd just below needing/wanting a G2, same theory as the GS, but since Seasonic has a lock on GS production, a separate line by another OEM allows for more units in the marketplace. Since the GQ uses proprietary FSP components, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if Evga was to introduce yet another line from another OEM and try to flood the market, giving some serious competition to Corsair's name recognition sales. Something right in the middle between the GQ/GS and the NEX would make sense, and if priced competitively, could very easily give the CX a good swift kick in the pants.

Their prices say otherwise though. The GQ is priced too close to the G2, about the same price. Of all PC components, power supplies always have the most funky prices.
It is foolish of EVGA to release so many models by so many different OEMs in the same price range and also seemingly unnecessary. My best guess is a FSP psu at $79 is going to net them more profit than a Seasonic or Super Flower psu at $79.
RMx are good, as Corsair PSU's go, but the prices are not very competitive(at least not on the 850)-
At time of this post with no rebates or promos-
Corsair RM850x = $169.99
EVGA 850 G2 = $109.99
XFX Pro Black 850 = $124.99


Yep. I mean, we'd all love to say there's competition, and quality wise there is but considering value/quality nothing beats it.
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