Psychological warfare



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The Panzer is a great weapon. Its destructive power alone is pretty
good, but the psychological effect on the enemy is far more powerful.
If someone calls you a noob for panzering them, cheer every time you
kill them again and I can guarantee you they will be too pissed off to
play well. Rub it in.

But I have discovered a better psychological weapon than even the
Panzer. Use childish insults against the enemy. Tell them they smell
of poo, wee or a combination of both. A lot. It confuses and irritates
them and reduces their effectiveness as they frantically try to type
insults back at you. It doesn't work for more than 20 minutes or so,
but it's damn effective while it lasts.

Here endeth the lesson.

Fun zoo.
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Archived from groups: (More info?)

Tim Auton <tim.auton@uton.groupSexWithoutTheY> wrote in :

> Use childish insults against the enemy. Tell them they smell
> of poo, wee or a combination of both. A lot. It confuses and
> irritates them and reduces their effectiveness as they frantically
> try to type insults back at you. It doesn't work for more than 20
> minutes or so, but it's damn effective while it lasts.

How old are u?9 ?

Jurczyk na Marsa lub do altanki !

"I love the smell of napalm in the morning." - Colonel Bill Kilgore
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