Q: Play cards...

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On Tue, 01 Mar 2005 12:01:08 -0600, Colin McGuigan
<maguaSPAM@BGONEspeakeasy.net> scrawled:

>Emmit Svenson wrote:
>> And why can you chop up an entire pack of Garou with a Chainsaw, but
>> not a Gas-Powered Chainsaw? Do they steal gasoline as a strike?
>How come Goth Bands can't become Famous and go on Concert Tours once
>they've been given a Contract?

Because their bleeds keep getting reduced to -1 by Ecstacy?

(replace "hotmail" with "yahoo" to email)


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On Tue, 01 Mar 2005 08:55:05 -0600, Colin McGuigan
<maguaSPAM@BGONEspeakeasy.net> scrawled:

>Daneel wrote:
>> On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 16:00:11 -0600, Colin McGuigan
>> <maguaSPAM@BGONEspeakeasy.net> wrote:
>>> How, in your worldview, is a copy of someone previously diablerized
>>> allowed to be transferred back into the ready region?
>> Buzz off. For ONCE I want to maintain a civilized discussion. A mistake
>> I won't repreat. 4$$ h013!!11!
>If you want to maintain a civilized discussion, what's with the profanity?


(replace "hotmail" with "yahoo" to email)


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On Wed, 02 Mar 2005 01:09:22 GMT, LSJ <vtesrepSPAM@TRAPwhite-wolf.com>

> Daneel wrote:
>> On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 18:34:06 -0500, Gregory Stuart Pettigrew
>> <etherial@sidehack.sat.gweep.net> wrote:
>>> A more apropriate analogy would be:
>>> Becoming of Even More Annoying, Gehenna Event
>>> All minions have zero levels of Protean.
>> Add "There is no Protean."
> "There is no Protean. Minions with Protean have an equal number of
> levels in
> Auspex instead."
> Ian could still play Horrific Countenance in that case.

Dunno. "There is no Protean" in itself kind of implies that cards that
require Protean are useless. Even without the second sentence. How can
you use something that does not exist?

>>> Ian Forestal and an apropriately carded Black Spiral Buddy could still
>>> play cards requiring Protean.
>> No they couldn't; there is no Protean. How can you play a Protean card,
>> if Protean suddenly *poof* disappeared from the universe?
> Card text. Ian can play cards "as if" he has the basic level of
> Protean, even though that doesn't exist.

Yeah, but from the card's perspective Protean still does not exist.

> Otherwise, a card requiring nothing (e.g., a nonexistent Discipline)
> could be played by anyone (since it lacks requirements).

Twist of concepts. A card requiring Protean translates to something
like this to common sense:

This card is a Protean card (compare card text on Horrock). Therefor
it can only be used by a minion who can use Protean cards.
Game-mechanics-wise that translates to needing either the Protean
discipline or the ability to play it.

Obviously, if there is no protean, the Protean cards, the Protean
discipline and the ability to play Protean cards is pointless.
However, to compensate crypt cards for their loss, they will now get
an equal level of Auspex (equal to the levels they had in Protean
before the discipline vanished).




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LSJ wrote:
> What it means is that the block treats [Sonja Blue] as an ally.
> Nothing else does (even "during" the block).

If Sonja plays Wake with Evening's Freshness, can she attempt to block
as an ally?

Card text from WwEF: "This reacting VAMPIRE can use reaction cards and
attempt to block..." (emphasis mine)


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> >>>> Ian Forestal and an apropriately carded Black Spiral Buddy could still
> >>>> play cards requiring Protean.
> there's no 'appropriately carding' a Black Spiral Buddy. You'd need
> some other sort of ally, like a Shadow Court Satyr, for that.

It's not my fault they didn't reprint SCS...


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> >>Similar to Sonja Blue. She is able to block an action
> >>modified with Daring the Dawn, ie I try to block with
> >>a vamp, you play Daring the Dawn, I wake with Sonja
> >>Blue (playing that wake requires a vampire) and decide
> >>to block as an ally at which moment your modifier
> >>suddenly finds out that the reacting vampire wasn't a
> >>vampire after all.
> >
> >
> > Sonja Blue is different, in that her ally-block special is nothing to do
> > with granting her the ability to pretend to gain temporary disciplines
> > (or titles, or sects) for the purpose of playing a card.
> >
> No, this is the same.

Sonja Blue is different because of the scope of her ability. For
Ian/SCS/Keminitri, only the card treats them as being that thing. For
Sonja, the block attempt, and all cards that modify the block attempt,
treats her as an ally.

> If Ian plays a card that requires basic protean he actually gains
> basic protean for the duration of that cards resolution

No, he very much does not.

> Sonja Blue cannot block the action modified by Daring the Dawn unless
> she does so as an ally, in which case the ally-clause in Daring the Dawn
> kicks in.

This is correct. That doesn't mean she *is* an Ally. She is just treated
as one by the block attempt.


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In message <1109732614.34c07ec7aec73a1a0a14a86b3df6c5c0@teranews>, Sten
Düring <yappo@netg.se> writes:
>Gregory Stuart Pettigrew wrote:
<Pretending Protean has been removed from lots of vampires via a Fall of
the Camarilla type event>
>> No, only the Sonar would treat Ian as having Protean.
>I'm not entirely sure this is the case. The invented
>action-modifier is supposedly one with an "ongoing"
>effect, like Faceless Night at superior, and as such
>should "look for" when its effect kicks in.

Ian "can play cards of any Discipline as though..." but since Kiss of Ra
(or whatever) isn't Ian playing it, Ian's special doesn't function at
all on it.

If Ian's special said:

"Ian may play cards requiring a Discipline he does not have. If
he does so, he gains the basic level of that Discipline until
the end of the current action."

then Kiss of Ra would affect him. Or he'd be able to use the Celeritous
effects of, say, Stunt Cycle.

But he just plays the specific cards as though he had <discipline>,
nothing else.

>Similar to Sonja Blue. She is able to block an action
>modified with Daring the Dawn, ie I try to block with
>a vamp, you play Daring the Dawn, I wake with Sonja
>Blue (playing that wake requires a vampire) and decide
>to block as an ally at which moment your modifier
>suddenly finds out that the reacting vampire wasn't a
>vampire after all.

Sonja Blue is different, in that her ally-block special is nothing to do
with granting her the ability to pretend to gain temporary disciplines
(or titles, or sects) for the purpose of playing a card.

James Coupe "Why do so many talented people turn out to be sexual
PGP Key: 0x5D623D5D deviants? Why can't they just be normal like me and
EBD690ECD7A1FB457CA2 look at internet pictures of men's cocks all day?"
13D7E668C3695D623D5D -- www.livejournal.com/users/scarletdemon/


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In message <opsmz3y1olo6j3lh@news.chello.hu>, Daneel <daniel@eposta.hu>
>Dunno. "There is no Protean" in itself kind of implies that cards that
> require Protean are useless. Even without the second sentence. How can
> you use something that does not exist?

"There is no Protean" is somewhat ambiguous, without clarification.
Hence the second sentence explaining what it does.

And... Ian Forestal (say) is not using something that does not exist.
If you want an RPG background to it, he's using Thaumaturgy to create an
effect which is somewhat like Protean used to be. Similarly, Kemintiri
is using her old network of contacts to pull a few last strings.

James Coupe "Why do so many talented people turn out to be sexual
PGP Key: 0x5D623D5D deviants? Why can't they just be normal like me and
EBD690ECD7A1FB457CA2 look at internet pictures of men's cocks all day?"
13D7E668C3695D623D5D -- www.livejournal.com/users/scarletdemon/


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Daneel wrote:
> I understand the example. However, let me try to counter it with another
> (non-sarcastic) example.
> The card club only accepts members. Non-members cannot even observe the
> games, go into the cafeteria or otherwise enter. Dorian is not a member,
> but he can masquerade as such, and partake in the games in such a manner.
> Sadly, after a while the card club goes bankrupt. The assets are sold and
> the members become non-members. Dorian can still masquerade as a member
> - but that won't rebuild the card club.

Perhaps you will be convinced by this example: (Real) people contrive
to benefit from pretending to be members (or descendants) of the Russian
royal family - despite the fact that the Russian royal family "fell",
were executed, and no longer exist.
see: http://anomalyinfo.com/articles/ga00007a.shtml

Prefacing this with the proviso that such arguments are irrelevant and
meaningless, as we are talking about a card game; the rules do what they
say (or perhaps what LSJ says) without reference to any other context.

* lehrbuch (lehrbuch@gmail.com)


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On Wed, 02 Mar 2005 10:00:54 +1300, lehrbuch <lehrbuch@gmail.com> wrote:

> Perhaps you will be convinced by this example: (Real) people contrive
> to benefit from pretending to be members (or descendants) of the Russian
> royal family - despite the fact that the Russian royal family "fell",
> were executed, and no longer exist.
> see: http://anomalyinfo.com/articles/ga00007a.shtml

Nice try. ;) Really. The reason it did not convince me is that those
claiming to be royalty weren't ANY better off than if they were real
royalty. Alexis or Anastasia could have been successful in getting a
hold of the family heirloom, whereas these false claims were basically
fruitless efforts.

If Fall said, "Burn all Camarilla vampires.", I'd be inclined to
reconsider. Alas, the way things are, the example wasn't too
convincing. Thanks for the reading, anyway, it was educational.

> Prefacing this with the proviso that such arguments are irrelevant and
> meaningless, as we are talking about a card game; the rules do what they
> say (or perhaps what LSJ says) without reference to any other context.

Aye, true. I'm trying to argue logic first and foremost, as adherence to
the source material is ultimately not without its limits.




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Daneel wrote:
> On Wed, 02 Mar 2005 01:09:22 GMT, LSJ <vtesrepSPAM@TRAPwhite-wolf.com>
>> Daneel wrote:
>>> Add "There is no Protean."
>> "There is no Protean. Minions with Protean have an equal number of
>> levels in
>> Auspex instead."
>> Ian could still play Horrific Countenance in that case.
> Dunno. "There is no Protean" in itself kind of implies that cards that
> require Protean are useless. Even without the second sentence. How can
> you use something that does not exist?

Card text. The alternative is covered below.

>> Otherwise, a card requiring nothing (e.g., a nonexistent Discipline)
>> could be played by anyone (since it lacks requirements).
> Twist of concepts.

Um, yeah. That's what got us here in the first place.
(turnabout is fair play, you know?)

> A card requiring Protean translates to something
> like this to common sense:

Ah, the appeal to "common sense dictates".

> This card is a Protean card (compare card text on Horrock). Therefor
> it can only be used by a minion who can use Protean cards.
> Game-mechanics-wise that translates to needing either the Protean
> discipline or the ability to play it.
> Obviously, if there is no protean, the Protean cards, the Protean
> discipline and the ability to play Protean cards is pointless.

You can't have it both ways.

If you want to completely eliminate the existence of Protean
then cards that require this completely eliminated concept
effectively have no requirement.

> However, to compensate crypt cards for their loss, they will now get
> an equal level of Auspex (equal to the levels they had in Protean
> before the discipline vanished).

Protean? What's that? It was completely eliminated, erased
from the annals of time. It doesn't make sense to talk about
The vampires that had it -- had what?

Unless, of course, it wasn't erased from the annals of time
(in which case the official answers follow easily).

LSJ (vtesrep@white-wolf.com) V:TES Net.Rep for White Wolf, Inc.
Links to V:TES news, rules, cards, utilities, and tournament calendar:


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"LSJ" <vtesrep@white-wolf.com> wrote in message
> "Joshua Duffin" <jtduffin@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> > If Daring the Dawn has been played on an action, vampires cannot
> > that action. Because of that, if the action is at stealth, an ally
> > can play Auspex-requiring cards can't play an Auspex intercept card
> > block the action either, because it'd have to play the Auspex card
"as a
> > vampire" and vampires can't block the Daring the Dawn action.
> The ally that is attempting to block and needs intercept can
> play intercept, even if it means playing the intercept as a
> vampire. He's still blocking as an ally.

This would be a reversal. I don't mind you reversing it at all, since
it makes more sense to me this way, but you had previously ruled it the
other way. (I'm not trying to trip you up here, I do think this case
is more logical the way you're ruling it now. Though logic can be a
little difficult to apply in these cases, since there are contradictory
effects at work.)


> See the previously-mentioned case of Sonja playing intercept.

You mean the case of Sonja Blue playing cards that require disciplines
while blocking as an ally, right? I don't see a previously mentioned
case specific to Sonja playing intercept.

Anyway, being able to play a card that requires you to be a member of
set A while blocking as a member of set B, with sets A and B excluding
each other, seems like it should conflict with Sonja *not* being able
to block as an ally after playing Wake with Evening's Freshness to gain
the ability to block. Her ability to block as an ally shouldn't keep
her from benefiting from Wake (because of it allowing a vampire to
block, not an ally to block), any more than her ability to block as an
ally keeps her block-as-an-ally from benefiting from an intercept card
she plays as a vampire.

> > The analogy is (or could be) that if Kemintiri (merged) tries to
play a
> > card "as a justicar" while Fall of the Camarilla is in play, she
> > do it because a Camarilla justicar cannot play cards that require a
> > justicar while Fall of the Camarilla is in play.
> Nonsensical statement. A Camarilla justicar can play cards that
> require a justicar while the Fall is in play (the p->q relationship
> is true if p is false -- there are no justicars, so all of them
> can do whatever they want).

uh.... p->q relationship, true, p false?

See, this is what I'm talking about when I say that the "play as an X"
effects are inherently confusing. :)

I think you're saying that the reason printed Camarilla justicars can't
play justicar-requiring cards with Fall of the Camarilla in play is
that they aren't justicars anymore. Fine. But then it seems like
merged Kemintiri should be susceptible to the same problem, in that if
she plays a card "as a justicar", she should also fail to be a justicar
because there are no justicars.

Your argument seems like an insistence on having it both ways in the
other direction: you're saying she can play a card that requires a
justicar because she's not a printed justicar, she just has the
card-text ability to play cards that require justicars, regardless of
other effects that interfere with justicars. But that ability says she
plays those cards *as* a justicar. If that doesn't mean that she's
considered the same as a printed justicar for the play of these cards -
and, for the duration of playing them, effects that affect the
playability of those cards, like Fall of the Camarilla - then how is it
meaningful to have an "as an X" rule?


didn't mean to start discussing this again


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"Emmit Svenson" <emmitsvenson@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:1109781423.082290.22890@g14g2000cwa.googlegroups.com...
> LSJ wrote:
> > What it means is that the block treats [Sonja Blue] as an ally.
> > Nothing else does (even "during" the block).
> If Sonja plays Wake with Evening's Freshness, can she attempt to block
> as an ally?
> Card text from WwEF: "This reacting VAMPIRE can use reaction cards and
> attempt to block..." (emphasis mine)

Not while she's tapped, no.

LSJ (vtesrep@white-wolf.com) V:TES Net.Rep for White Wolf, Inc.
V:TES homepage: http://www.white-wolf.com/vtes/
Though effective, appear to be ineffective -- Sun Tzu


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James Coupe wrote:
> In message <1109732614.34c07ec7aec73a1a0a14a86b3df6c5c0@teranews>, Sten
> Düring <yappo@netg.se> writes:
>>Gregory Stuart Pettigrew wrote:
> <Pretending Protean has been removed from lots of vampires via a Fall of
> the Camarilla type event>
>>> No, only the Sonar would treat Ian as having Protean.
>>I'm not entirely sure this is the case. The invented
>>action-modifier is supposedly one with an "ongoing"
>>effect, like Faceless Night at superior, and as such
>>should "look for" when its effect kicks in.
> Ian "can play cards of any Discipline as though..." but since Kiss of Ra
> (or whatever) isn't Ian playing it, Ian's special doesn't function at
> all on it.
> If Ian's special said:
> "Ian may play cards requiring a Discipline he does not have. If
> he does so, he gains the basic level of that Discipline until
> the end of the current action."
> then Kiss of Ra would affect him. Or he'd be able to use the Celeritous
> effects of, say, Stunt Cycle.
> But he just plays the specific cards as though he had <discipline>,
> nothing else.
>>Similar to Sonja Blue. She is able to block an action
>>modified with Daring the Dawn, ie I try to block with
>>a vamp, you play Daring the Dawn, I wake with Sonja
>>Blue (playing that wake requires a vampire) and decide
>>to block as an ally at which moment your modifier
>>suddenly finds out that the reacting vampire wasn't a
>>vampire after all.
> Sonja Blue is different, in that her ally-block special is nothing to do
> with granting her the ability to pretend to gain temporary disciplines
> (or titles, or sects) for the purpose of playing a card.

No, this is the same.
My invented Kiss the Gangrel is not played in response to anything.
You play it stating that in the case of any vampire with protean
eventually tries to block, said vamp will go to torpor.
Daring the Dawn is played to prevent any vampire from blocking
the action, even if said action should change reacting metuselah.

If Ian plays a card that requires basic protean he actually gains
basic protean for the duration of that cards resolution (according
to earlier rulings in this thread), and this ought to be enough
for Kiss the Gangrel to kick in.
Similar, Sonja Blue cannot block the action modified by Daring the
Dawn unless she does so as an ally, in which case the ally-clause
in Daring the Dawn kicks in.

In both examples we have an instant point of resolution for the
interaction between acting effects and reacting effects. There's
no prolonged duration. Does the instantenous existence of an attempted
block by a vampire with protean occur? Does the instanteneous existence
of an attempted block by an ally occur? In the first case the sequence
branches to move the blocking vampire to torpor after which we start
looking for legal block-attempts again, in the second the sequence moves
into the iterations for handling a legal block-attempt sequence (stealth
intercept etc).

As long as there is a trigger waiting to happen, then for each added
affect that trigger has to be checked. If the number of vampires with
protean attempting to block at least equals the number of players then
the controller of that vampire burns one pool. This is a kind of trigger
that has to be checked for each and every counter-effect applied.

Sten During


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Colin McGuigan wrote:
> LSJ wrote:
> >>Let's suppose Sonja has [aus] (she may, I'm too lazy to check) and
> >>Bowl of Convergence. Can she use the Bowl for +1 intercept to
block a
> >>+1 stealth Daring the Dawn action as an ally?
> >
> > Yes. The Bowl doesn't see her as an ally. It sees her as she is --
> > vampire (with [aus], per your assumptions).
> Ok. I'm confused. So, there's a +1 stealth Daring the Dawn action,
> Sonja Blue has the Bowl of Convergence.
> She can attempt to block it as an ally, and continue to use the Bowl
> a vampire.

You're right, this is confusing. It may have something to do with the
fact that the Bowl grants intercept to that vampire continuously (i.e.,
Sonja, being a vampire, has that intercept even if she's not attempting
to block at all).

> However, she cannot Wake as a vampire and attempt to block as an
> I understand that allies cannot block if tapped, but the Wake (which
> still treats her as a vampire) allows her to make block attempts
> tapped.
> Alternate question: If Sonja gets [AUS], may she use Eagle's Sight to

> block crosstable as an ally?

Based on the Wake ruling, I'd have to say no: "this vampire untaps and
attempts to block..." parallels to "this vampire may block and play
reaction cards..."

Unless it's that pesky "may" in the wake that somehow screws it up.
Which would be really confusing.


> --Colin McGuigan


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jnewqu...@difsol.com wrote:
> Colin McGuigan wrote:
> > LSJ wrote:
> > >>Let's suppose Sonja has [aus] (she may, I'm too lazy to check)
> the
> > >>Bowl of Convergence. Can she use the Bowl for +1 intercept to
> block a
> > >>+1 stealth Daring the Dawn action as an ally?
> > >
> > > Yes. The Bowl doesn't see her as an ally. It sees her as she is
> a
> > > vampire (with [aus], per your assumptions).
> >
> > Ok. I'm confused. So, there's a +1 stealth Daring the Dawn
> and
> > Sonja Blue has the Bowl of Convergence.
> >
> > She can attempt to block it as an ally, and continue to use the
> as
> > a vampire.
> You're right, this is confusing. It may have something to do with the
> fact that the Bowl grants intercept to that vampire continuously
> Sonja, being a vampire, has that intercept even if she's not
> to block at all).
> > However, she cannot Wake as a vampire and attempt to block as an
> ally?
> > I understand that allies cannot block if tapped, but the Wake
> > still treats her as a vampire) allows her to make block attempts
> while
> > tapped.
> >
> > Alternate question: If Sonja gets [AUS], may she use Eagle's Sight
> > block crosstable as an ally?
> Based on the Wake ruling, I'd have to say no: "this vampire untaps
> attempts to block..." parallels to "this vampire may block and play
> reaction cards..."
> Unless it's that pesky "may" in the wake that somehow screws it up.
> Which would be really confusing.
> John

Never mind. Thanks LSJ!

> > --Colin McGuigan


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<jtduffin@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:1109790408.593830.261840@g14g2000cwa.googlegroups.com...
> "LSJ" <vtesrep@white-wolf.com> wrote in message
> news:38mee8F5i9f4eU1@individual.net...
> > "Joshua Duffin" <jtduffin@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:38mdmnF5q2up0U1@individual.net...
> > > If Daring the Dawn has been played on an action, vampires cannot
> block
> > > that action. Because of that, if the action is at stealth, an ally
> that
> > > can play Auspex-requiring cards can't play an Auspex intercept card
> to
> > > block the action either, because it'd have to play the Auspex card
> "as a
> > > vampire" and vampires can't block the Daring the Dawn action.
> >
> > The ally that is attempting to block and needs intercept can
> > play intercept, even if it means playing the intercept as a
> > vampire. He's still blocking as an ally.
> This would be a reversal. I don't mind you reversing it at all, since
> it makes more sense to me this way, but you had previously ruled it the
> other way. (I'm not trying to trip you up here, I do think this case
> is more logical the way you're ruling it now. Though logic can be a
> little difficult to apply in these cases, since there are contradictory
> effects at work.)
> http://groups-beta.google.com/group/rec.games.trading-cards.jyhad/msg/41de520084368d2e

It's a reversal, apparently, yes.
You were right all along. Happy? :)

> Anyway, being able to play a card that requires you to be a member of
> set A while blocking as a member of set B, with sets A and B excluding
> each other, seems like it should conflict with Sonja *not* being able
> to block as an ally after playing Wake with Evening's Freshness to gain
> the ability to block. Her ability to block as an ally shouldn't keep
> her from benefiting from Wake (because of it allowing a vampire to
> block, not an ally to block), any more than her ability to block as an
> ally keeps her block-as-an-ally from benefiting from an intercept card
> she plays as a vampire.

She can block as an ally. Which means, like all would-be blockers,
she must be untapped or able to block as if untapped.

She is not untapped.

And Wake allows the Vampire to block as if untapped, and an untapped
vampire cannot block a Daring the Dawn action.

> > > The analogy is (or could be) that if Kemintiri (merged) tries to
> play a
> > > card "as a justicar" while Fall of the Camarilla is in play, she
> can't
> > > do it because a Camarilla justicar cannot play cards that require a
> > > justicar while Fall of the Camarilla is in play.
> >
> > Nonsensical statement. A Camarilla justicar can play cards that
> > require a justicar while the Fall is in play (the p->q relationship
> > is true if p is false -- there are no justicars, so all of them
> > can do whatever they want).
> uh.... p->q relationship, true, p false?
> See, this is what I'm talking about when I say that the "play as an X"
> effects are inherently confusing. :)

The p->q stuff is just for clarity to those who like symbols.
The rest can use the immediately-following equivalent explanation:
"All none of them can do whatever they want".

> I think you're saying that the reason printed Camarilla justicars can't
> play justicar-requiring cards with Fall of the Camarilla in play is
> that they aren't justicars anymore. Fine.

I'm saying that vampires that aren't justicars don't meet the
requirements for justicar-requiring cards.

> But then it seems like
> merged Kemintiri should be susceptible to the same problem, in that if
> she plays a card "as a justicar", she should also fail to be a justicar
> because there are no justicars.

She is not susceptible to the "non-justicars don't meet the requirements"
since, even though she is a non-justicar, she can play cards that
require a justicar as if she were (as if she met the requirement).
Fall doesn't see her try to be "as if" a justicar (she isn't playing
it), so it has no bearing on her ability.

> Your argument seems like an insistence on having it both ways in the
> other direction: you're saying she can play a card that requires a
> justicar because she's not a printed justicar, she just has the
> card-text ability to play cards that require justicars, regardless of
> other effects that interfere with justicars. But that ability says she
> plays those cards *as* a justicar. If that doesn't mean that she's
> considered the same as a printed justicar for the play of these cards -
> and, for the duration of playing them, effects that affect the
> playability of those cards, like Fall of the Camarilla - then how is it
> meaningful to have an "as an X" rule?

Fall doesn't see her as a justicar. Only the card she plays
as a justicar sees her as one.

LSJ (vtesrepSPAM@TRAPwhite-wolf.com) V:TES Net.Rep (Remove spam trap to reply).
V:TES homepage: http://www.white-wolf.com/vtes/
Though effective, appear to be ineffective -- Sun Tzu


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LSJ wrote:
> She can block as an ally. Which means, like all would-be blockers,
> she must be untapped or able to block as if untapped.
> She is not untapped.
> And Wake allows the Vampire to block as if untapped, and an untapped
> vampire cannot block a Daring the Dawn action.

So, just to verify:

Let's suppose Sonja has [aus] (she may, I'm too lazy to check) and the
Bowl of Convergence. Can she use the Bowl for +1 intercept to block a
+1 stealth Daring the Dawn action as an ally?

--Colin McGuigan


Archived from groups: rec.games.trading-cards.jyhad (More info?)

"Colin McGuigan" <maguaSPAM@BGONEspeakeasy.net> wrote in message news:QuqdnSjUfJ-pvLvfRVn-1A@speakeasy.net...
> LSJ wrote:
> > She can block as an ally. Which means, like all would-be blockers,
> > she must be untapped or able to block as if untapped.
> >
> > She is not untapped.
> >
> > And Wake allows the Vampire to block as if untapped, and an untapped
> > vampire cannot block a Daring the Dawn action.
> So, just to verify:
> Let's suppose Sonja has [aus] (she may, I'm too lazy to check) and the
> Bowl of Convergence. Can she use the Bowl for +1 intercept to block a
> +1 stealth Daring the Dawn action as an ally?

Yes. The Bowl doesn't see her as an ally. It sees her as she is -- a
vampire (with [aus], per your assumptions).

LSJ (vtesrepSPAM@TRAPwhite-wolf.com) V:TES Net.Rep (Remove spam trap to reply).
V:TES homepage: http://www.white-wolf.com/vtes/
Though effective, appear to be ineffective -- Sun Tzu


Archived from groups: rec.games.trading-cards.jyhad (More info?)

LSJ wrote:

> "Colin McGuigan" <maguaSPAM@BGONEspeakeasy.net> wrote in message news:QuqdnSjUfJ-pvLvfRVn-1A@speakeasy.net...
>>LSJ wrote:
>>>She can block as an ally. Which means, like all would-be blockers,
>>>she must be untapped or able to block as if untapped.
>>>She is not untapped.
>>>And Wake allows the Vampire to block as if untapped, and an untapped
>>>vampire cannot block a Daring the Dawn action.
>>So, just to verify:
>>Let's suppose Sonja has [aus] (she may, I'm too lazy to check) and the
>>Bowl of Convergence. Can she use the Bowl for +1 intercept to block a
>>+1 stealth Daring the Dawn action as an ally?
> Yes. The Bowl doesn't see her as an ally. It sees her as she is -- a
> vampire (with [aus], per your assumptions).

Ok. I'm confused. So, there's a +1 stealth Daring the Dawn action, and
Sonja Blue has the Bowl of Convergence.

She can attempt to block it as an ally, and continue to use the Bowl as
a vampire.

However, she cannot Wake as a vampire and attempt to block as an ally?
I understand that allies cannot block if tapped, but the Wake (which
still treats her as a vampire) allows her to make block attempts while

Alternate question: If Sonja gets [AUS], may she use Eagle's Sight to
block crosstable as an ally?

--Colin McGuigan


Archived from groups: rec.games.trading-cards.jyhad (More info?)

"Colin McGuigan" <maguaSPAM@BGONEspeakeasy.net> wrote in message news:G-idnWrfQ7QfubvfRVn-pw@speakeasy.net...
> Ok. I'm confused. So, there's a +1 stealth Daring the Dawn action, and
> Sonja Blue has the Bowl of Convergence.
> She can attempt to block it as an ally, and continue to use the Bowl as
> a vampire.
> However, she cannot Wake as a vampire and attempt to block as an ally?
> I understand that allies cannot block if tapped, but the Wake (which
> still treats her as a vampire) allows her to make block attempts while
> tapped.

The Wake allows "this vampire" to attempt to block. Was my reasoning.
But you're right. It seems to be in the same bowl.

So (reversal), she can wake and block.

> Alternate question: If Sonja gets [AUS], may she use Eagle's Sight to
> block crosstable as an ally?


LSJ (vtesrepSPAM@TRAPwhite-wolf.com) V:TES Net.Rep (Remove spam trap to reply).
V:TES homepage: http://www.white-wolf.com/vtes/
Though effective, appear to be ineffective -- Sun Tzu


Archived from groups: rec.games.trading-cards.jyhad (More info?)

Gregory Stuart Pettigrew wrote:

>>If Ian plays a card that requires basic protean he actually gains
>>basic protean for the duration of that cards resolution
> No, he very much does not.

Ok, he plays it as a vampire with basic protean, including attaining
all attributes that goes with being a vampire with basic protean. At
least this has been made clear by LSJ earlier in this thread (playing
cards requiring Y implictly means playing cards as being Y, even though
the actual example was Kemintiri implictly being a Justicar during the
resolution of any cards she plays requiring a Justicar).

>>Sonja Blue cannot block the action modified by Daring the Dawn unless
>>she does so as an ally, in which case the ally-clause in Daring the Dawn
>>kicks in.
> This is correct. That doesn't mean she *is* an Ally. She is just treated
> as one by the block attempt.

No, see above. Implictly Sonja Blue effectively IS an ally, or if you
would prefer it, takes on all aspects of being an ally, for the duration
of the block. This, I assume, means she burns if she spends her last two
blood to be eligible to block an action modified with superior
Crocodile's Tongue as she suddenly finds herself still blocking an
action as an ALLY with zero LIFE, which is a condition that burns an
ally. Unfourtenately, after she burns she resumes being a vampire which
prevents you from playing Left for Dead (a burned minion may not block
and so she no longer is treated as an ally).

I simply read her card-text as actually saying she ATTEMPTS to block as
an ally even though it doesn't say so, and should be treated as an ally
in all respects for the entire duration of that attempt.

Sten During


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"Sten Düring" <yappo@netg.se> wrote in message news:1109775363.21de2b94dee34615a43dc3c1078b13e1@teranews...
> Gregory Stuart Pettigrew wrote:
> >>If Ian plays a card that requires basic protean he actually gains
> >>basic protean for the duration of that cards resolution
> >
> > No, he very much does not.
> Ok, he plays it as a vampire with basic protean, including attaining
> all attributes that goes with being a vampire with basic protean. At
> least this has been made clear by LSJ earlier in this thread (playing
> cards requiring Y implictly means playing cards as being Y, even though
> the actual example was Kemintiri implictly being a Justicar during the
> resolution of any cards she plays requiring a Justicar).

But only as far as the card she plays as a justicar is concerned.

> >>Sonja Blue cannot block the action modified by Daring the Dawn unless
> >>she does so as an ally, in which case the ally-clause in Daring the Dawn
> >>kicks in.
> >
> > This is correct. That doesn't mean she *is* an Ally. She is just treated
> > as one by the block attempt.
> No, see above. Implictly Sonja Blue effectively IS an ally, or if you
> would prefer it, takes on all aspects of being an ally, for the duration
> of the block.

Not "for the duration".
What it means is that the block treats her as an ally.
Nothing else does (even "during" the block).

> This, I assume, means she burns if she spends her last two
> blood to be eligible to block an action modified with superior
> Crocodile's Tongue as she suddenly finds herself still blocking an
> action as an ALLY with zero LIFE, which is a condition that burns an
> ally.

No. Blocking won't burn an ally. Her being at zero blood doesn't
see her as an ally.

> Unfourtenately, after she burns she resumes being a vampire which
> prevents you from playing Left for Dead (a burned minion may not block
> and so she no longer is treated as an ally).
> I simply read her card-text as actually saying she ATTEMPTS to block as
> an ally even though it doesn't say so, and should be treated as an ally
> in all respects for the entire duration of that attempt.

Only by the block (attempt).

LSJ (vtesrep@white-wolf.com) V:TES Net.Rep for White Wolf, Inc.
V:TES homepage: http://www.white-wolf.com/vtes/
Though effective, appear to be ineffective -- Sun Tzu


Archived from groups: rec.games.trading-cards.jyhad (More info?)

"LSJ" <vtesrep@white-wolf.com> wrote in message
> "Sten Düring" <yappo@netg.se> wrote in message

> > Ok, he plays it as a vampire with basic protean, including attaining
> > all attributes that goes with being a vampire with basic protean. At
> > least this has been made clear by LSJ earlier in this thread
> > cards requiring Y implictly means playing cards as being Y, even
> > the actual example was Kemintiri implictly being a Justicar during
> > resolution of any cards she plays requiring a Justicar).
> But only as far as the card she plays as a justicar is concerned.

I may be beating an extremely dead horse, but the "as a" rulings are
inherently pretty complicated, so I'll do it anyway...

If Daring the Dawn has been played on an action, vampires cannot block
that action. Because of that, if the action is at stealth, an ally that
can play Auspex-requiring cards can't play an Auspex intercept card to
block the action either, because it'd have to play the Auspex card "as a
vampire" and vampires can't block the Daring the Dawn action.

The analogy is (or could be) that if Kemintiri (merged) tries to play a
card "as a justicar" while Fall of the Camarilla is in play, she can't
do it because a Camarilla justicar cannot play cards that require a
justicar while Fall of the Camarilla is in play.

I know you've said that's not the case because she's not actually a
justicar, she just has the ability to play cards that require the title
"as a justicar". But I'm not sure it's inherently clear why these cases
are different.


always finds his brain twisted by "as an X" effects


Archived from groups: rec.games.trading-cards.jyhad (More info?)

"Joshua Duffin" <jtduffin@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:38mdmnF5q2up0U1@individual.net...
> If Daring the Dawn has been played on an action, vampires cannot block
> that action. Because of that, if the action is at stealth, an ally that
> can play Auspex-requiring cards can't play an Auspex intercept card to
> block the action either, because it'd have to play the Auspex card "as a
> vampire" and vampires can't block the Daring the Dawn action.

The ally that is attempting to block and needs intercept can
play intercept, even if it means playing the intercept as a
vampire. He's still blocking as an ally.

See the previously-mentioned case of Sonja playing intercept.

> The analogy is (or could be) that if Kemintiri (merged) tries to play a
> card "as a justicar" while Fall of the Camarilla is in play, she can't
> do it because a Camarilla justicar cannot play cards that require a
> justicar while Fall of the Camarilla is in play.

Nonsensical statement. A Camarilla justicar can play cards that
require a justicar while the Fall is in play (the p->q relationship
is true if p is false -- there are no justicars, so all of them
can do whatever they want).

> I know you've said that's not the case because she's not actually a
> justicar, she just has the ability to play cards that require the title
> "as a justicar". But I'm not sure it's inherently clear why these cases
> are different.

She can play it because her card text says she can.

LSJ (vtesrep@white-wolf.com) V:TES Net.Rep for White Wolf, Inc.
V:TES homepage: http://www.white-wolf.com/vtes/
Though effective, appear to be ineffective -- Sun Tzu