Q6600 isn't real quad?

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A little meltdown is a good every once in a while!
This is crazy. Kinda funny. You have kassler who thinks he knows when he doesn't and compares a dual to a quad and then blames a CPU with no real proof. Then he talks about VMWare performane, which we all know is better on AMD. Hilarious.

Then you got Keith who just well.....IDK. I give up on both of these guys. Its great that you like AMD as thats your own choice. But seriously don't throw personal opinions into it like facts. What you like is different than what is true.

AMDFanGril, I like you as you are never over zealous like the two above. But the main reason, more than likely, why AMD includes VT in all of their CPUs is thats an area where they excell. I am sure Intel will include it in their Nehalem CPUs.

Well I am off to "multitask" on my PC like always. It may not seem like it works to people who don't have one or is not as "smooth" but I have yet to see it jitter once or slow anything down. Have fun.
Wow..... Well not eveyr chip is the same. Heck I remember when Phenom first came out it was lucky if you got one that did overclock and bad luck if you had one that had a core that didn't like to even clock to its stock speeds.

Now that AMD found the problem (in the SB for some strange reason) and is able to finally overclock at least decently its a godsend.

Now that I think about it it almost seems like AMD has been doing everything on purpose. They released a chip with a TLB bug (B2) an people buy them. Then they release the fixed chips (B3) and the same people and new people buy them. Then they say a new SB chip will let the chips OC and people will buy them as well. So in a way they are getting people to buy almost 2 whole systems...

Its probably not true but man is it strange.....

Reading all posts here for those that say intel quad is best doesn’t seem to have that reason. It seems that intel users thinks that it is very important to run games on low resolutions or other applications alone. It doesn’t seem to be that important for intel users to run many applications concurrently. If that would be important, then it would be more important to find test that shows that type of configuration.
I haven't seen a single post from an intel user that has running multiple applications concurrently as their main reason.
Peoples listen to me! My avatar has a beanie and thus I am all powerful! Seriously while I was gone what happened?

Interesting... must be another S939, S754 and etc. in the guise of a new chip... remeber AM2+ in AM2 mobos?

AMD doesn't have any money... so it decides to leach off AMD'ers... Hey buy this and you get upgrades... (patially mobo maker's fault tho...

That's like asking "Why did you buy a [insert expensive car] over a Toyota?

I can't imagine...

*pop* goes the MOSFETS... at least he thought it was absurd...

😉 0.9V 1.7Ghz =)

At least some of us know what a better deal looks like =( Sorry AMD, the E7200 was too cheap...

Whoa, Fudzilla and the INQ have the predictive insicts of Weird Al in a box... and he's an Apple'r. Makes some us laugh tho... ie Me + Reynod... Crediability of both... only on recently made stuff... remeber reverse hyper threading?

Have you not fully read my posts? I have told you what I do on a daily basis. And yes this is every day including right now. I play games, encode/decode, listen to music, surf the web and more all at the same time. I got the Q6600 for a few reasons. 1 its a quad core. I just love having more. 2. It was the best choice for games at that price level. 3. It would allow me to "Do More" in less time aka multitask. And as I have stated before, even when running a TF2 server (yes Dedicated from the tools menu on Steam) while playing on that same server I am also able to surf the web and do many other tasks at the same time.

Seriously its like you only remember what will make you sound smart.

Or why great mods like Turpit who could probably get these guys to stop, although I doubt it, are no longer really active. I miss him and his awesomeness.

Fan Girl, enjoy your chip. No reason to be ashamed. You got what was best for you and thats all you need to remember. If anyone ever second guesses you just tell em to you know what.

As for my AMD conspiracy....it could happen. I highly doubt it but its possible.

This just keeps going in the same circle. Its like the fight between Conservatives and Liberald......only difference is that in that case no one is right. All I want is for people like kassler to stop going into threads and talking about this and that even when the person has his mind set on a specific product. Oh and to stop asserting his assumptions as facts.
Im not going to lie im a stubborn tree stump when it comes to AMD but that damn E8400 is gently calling to me with promises of massive OC's and low power useage! Im not sure how much longer i will last? My baby has treated me soo good these past year's but damn that new chick is sooo hot!

hey man, when you gotta trade up, just think of the Nike slogan, and just DO it!

Try it before you buy it, numbers is one thing, using the computer is another.
Remeber to try demanding applications.


not one, many!
very few are running just one application today or maybe intel user do that. amd users just start what they need

I'm asking what applications do you use to test your experience on an intel vs amd CPU?




Running 10 windows of calcuator
Running 15 FF browsers with 20 tabs each

:pt1cable: ??

Do you go to a store (BestBuy or something?) to test these out, like on a main brand? (HP/Toshiba/Sony)