Question about inlet and outlet on cpu water block


Jan 4, 2009
so i bought a cheap cpu block. it is the magicool yadayada. cost me like 25 dollars. anyways i might be able to find a picture:


so the way i have it installed is with the fins being horizontal not vertical and the inlet being on the top pushing water down now im not sure if someone can help but would it cool better if i had the fins vertical and then made the inlet flow upwards? i ask this because i didnt get a that much of a drop in temps compared to my video card which dropped 20* degrees and its in the second part of the loop taking all the heat from the cpu as well anywasy thanks for any thoughts on this matter
You would want to turn it so the outlet port is in an upper-hand corner so that bubbles can escape when you fill and purge your system. Otherwise, it shouldn't make any difference as long as no air makes it into your loop.