Question about Kingmax's PC150 memory



I have an older k62-300 and I have wanted more RAM for a while. Well, prices have dropped and I'm debating what to buy. The reason I'm entertaining Kingmax's PC150 is that I'm also thinking of building a new system around a KT7 or an A7V. I'd buy the memory now and use it until I buy a new system and migrate the memory over to the new system. It's got such a great price, will it actually benchmark to 150 mhz? Does anyone have an opinion or know anything about the PC150 memory?

PS Why doesn't Tom do a test of memory DIMM's the way he does graphics cards? I'd like to know how well different memories perform/hold-up.



Dec 31, 2007
You are using K62-300 processor, a 1-2 year old technology. I am not sure that your current motehrboard could be overclocked to <i>150MHz</i> because all your other devices will be overclocked as well (AGP, PCI, ISA, IDE).

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Dec 31, 2007
I to was wondering about pc150 sdram I read about at Tom's.I sent a email suggusting a review also, About 2wks. ago still no reply. I have a p3-500@640 retail hsf secc2 abit bx6.v.204 129fsb 128mb siemans 7.5(cas3,?)@cas2. I can boot to and run app's. a 133fsb cas3, However games crash to the desktop at 133fsb. Same thing with a p3-700e secc2 retail hsf. Using my questionable reasoning abilities I surmised, either vid card Xentor32 tnt2 ultra, now a gf2-mx,or it was memory. I was considering the pc150 sdram but, with no data, on Toms or the mfg. website. It's hard to make the call. AS I'm writing this it struck me as strange that, Tom would use any product from a mfg. that post no data on their website. TOM, WHAT'S UP WITH THAT?!
Anyone out there got a clue about this.

Thanx, Jeff in LA.


About your PIII500@640 ... I also have a PIII500 but the max that I can overclock it is to 575... anything higher than that windows just couldn't load... keeps on giving me errors at startup... I'm using globalwin VOS32 for my FHS combo so i'm preety sure cooling is not the problem w/ my cpu... my RAM is a corsair pc100 CAS2 w/ samsung GH chips and I know that it's a high quality chip. I think it's w/ my L2 cache... tried to disable it and it run at 600...
one more thing... what's ur voltage setting?


I wouldn't be overclocking the board, I'd just run the memory at the slower pc100 speed. No problems there. I was just wondering if there was anyone out there that actually knew if the Kingmax PC150 actually would run at a 150 bus... or barring that, can it run at 133 with a CAS2?



Dec 31, 2007
Actually,MY previous posting was a typo. With a 129x5fsb kCO stepping "p3-500@645mhz" retail hsf. Voltage is 2.20, But within intel spec's. abit bx6v.2.04,128mb pc133 cas3 Siemans(129fsb memory timings are 2-2-2). Since you didn't say what your video card is I'll assume it's a Voodoo3 or a g-force. Which shouldn't be the problem. You didn't mention up-ing the voltage which should get you a little higher. The hsf fan your using should be more than enough. I'm using the retal hsf pkg. I think that your memory is also holding you back.
I can post @665mhz(133fsb,3-3-3) and load windows but games crash back to the desk top. I'm a gamer and not pulling your leg with #'s that aren't usable. I game for hours online p3-500@645mhz.
Wish you luck,

Jeff in LA.