Question about Ryzen and the BIOs...

May 21, 2018
Currently i have a Ryzen 3 1200. I'm going to upgrade in a few weeks to a Ryzen 5 1600. I have no plans on overclocking and the motherboard i use is an A320M-K. I checked on their website and it says my motherboard is Compatible and will work with the Ryzen 5. My question is, will i need to change / upgrade my BIOs for the Ryzen 5 1600?
You're suggested to update the BIOS regardless of any processor or overclocking endeavors in order to make sure your platform is performing optimally. You should update the BIOS if you have any revisions pending. To answer your initial question, if you're currently on the BIOS version listed on the right of this chart then you're good to go. That is, if you're on BIOS version 0217 then you'll be good to go.

However you have BIOS version 4011 as the latest which addresses both the second generation of Ryzen processors support as well as updated AGESA code. The latter will help in having your rams run at DDR4-3200MHz or slightly higher.