Question Question about switching out SSD before laptop repair

Jul 16, 2024
My laptop is having a lot of issues and I'm sending it in to be repaired by the company I purchased an accident warranty from. They told me that depending on the issues its having they may end up sending me a refurbished laptop without sending me back the original one. After I purchased my laptop I upgraded it to a 1TB SSD. I was planning on removing the 1TB SSD before sending it in, that way I could simply plug in the SSD to the refurbished one if they end up sending me one. But the warranty company told me the laptop must have a drive in it for them to repair it. I was planning on purchasing a cheap temporary SSD to install in it before I send it off. But my understand is that if a new SSD is plugged in and Windows 10 is installed, Windows will automatically deactivate the license on the previously installed SSD. Is this really the case? And if so would I simply be able to pop back in my 1TB into repaired or refurbished unit, or would there be more to it than that?


Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

I would revert to what the laptop came as out of the box/factory/your seller. Out of curiosity, did you experience the issues after the SSD upgrade/migration?

If you get a refurbished laptop(meaning it's a different SKU) that would mean a different motherboard which would mean you need to reactivate the OS.