Quick question about cpus


Jul 21, 2012
2 actually, I just want em cleared up.

1: If the cpu load isnt at 100%, then it's fine, right? Bf3 was on a load of a steady 80% on mine, rising and lowers to 75 and 90ish. (I had the window in a small version, so if that affects anything, please let me know.)

2: Im on a 1440x900 monitor, upgrading to a 1080p and HDMI monitor soon, will that affect cpu load, or is the program load always the same, no matter the graphics?
Load is fine. The harder your CPU is working the more data it can send to your GPU. This usually results in more frames.

Second answer depends. Because you are going up in resolution your GPU will have to work harder. This means your frame rates will go down. If your GPU can't handle the load coming in from the CPU, then the CPU (I think) will stop working as hard. You need to make sure your CPU and GPU can handle the 1080 resolution.
Load is fine. The harder your CPU is working the more data it can send to your GPU. This usually results in more frames.

Second answer depends. Because you are going up in resolution your GPU will have to work harder. This means your frame rates will go down. If your GPU can't handle the load coming in from the CPU, then the CPU (I think) will stop working as hard. You need to make sure your CPU and GPU can handle the 1080 resolution.