My drives are performing well from what I can tell, and I thought they were good to go at 100% health, but today I updated HD Sentinel and came up with these results. I checked on Crystal
Disk info to make sure it was not some bug, and no, it's showing the right number.
is this normal? the one with 90% is around 2 years old and the other one (99%) is not even 1, is this common? should I be worried and buying another one?
I saw a yt video where that shows how if you go into the SMART tab on HD sentinel, you can edit the values to fix the health %, is this a real fix that will improve its lifespan or it's just a placebo to show a fake 100% health number?

is this normal? the one with 90% is around 2 years old and the other one (99%) is not even 1, is this common? should I be worried and buying another one?
I saw a yt video where that shows how if you go into the SMART tab on HD sentinel, you can edit the values to fix the health %, is this a real fix that will improve its lifespan or it's just a placebo to show a fake 100% health number?