R9 270X Graphic Card Issue

Whatever the games are, I see some kind of annoying black lines popping up while game-play. I don't know the exact issue with this MSI RADEON R9 270X. Can anyone please help me out?

Edit: The whole system is brand new nevertheless I see those nagging black lines.
Well first make sure all the drivers are up too date etc, try the new beta driver. If it still persists try the pc on a different monitor or on your tv.

Is this a system you have built yourself or pre-built?
Well first make sure all the drivers are up too date etc, try the new beta driver. If it still persists try the pc on a different monitor or on your tv.

Is this a system you have built yourself or pre-built?

Built myself.

Edit: Downloading the beta version.
Ok well, if the monitor is fine, the drivers are up to date, it is probably one of two things, the gpu itself or the power supply.

Whats the wattage of your powersupply? Ideally for a R9 270x you should have a 500 watt psu.

I use 550 W PSU and guess what, it's just my outdated driver. Now everything works good. Thanks for your help.