R9 280x or GTX 770 for an AMD cpu?


May 2, 2013
I've read a lot of threads about people having problems choosing between those two,
everyone says r9 280x is more worth it but, i had an AMD7870 which broke, when i returned
it to the store they said they cant replace nor fix it so they just gave me my money back.

Right now i can choose between those two but i remember being shall i say "bottlenecked" or
more like lack of optimization in games like dota 2 or gta iv.GPU Usage was going from 70% to 99%, it was not hitting the 99% constantly, plus battlefield 4's multi was awful honestly, i was
getting like 65% usage if i look at the whole map. So my question wont be the same old
r9 280x or 770 cuz clearly the 280x will be suggested most of the time but, since i had problems
with the 7870, the r9 280x is an oc'ed 7970 so it would basically magnify the problem that i had
with my old card.

My cpu is an FX-8320 clocked at 4.6, and ill just name the manufactures of the cards too:
GTX 770 Gigabyte 2GB
Sapphire R9 280x Toxic
well your gpu usage depends on a few things... like did you have Vsync or adaptive vsync on? if so, if the GPU only needs 70% to hold 60fps, then that's all it uses.

i personally would go 770. i have two 7950s and constant driver issues and various crashes, it was very frustrating. i also had that on an 8320 at 4.6ghz. I sold those in the bitcoin craze and snagged two 770's, and life has been good. Not a single crash in 4 months, adaptive Vsync works, adaptive power management works... they both crank up to 99% and hold there.

so my two cents, nvidia is just less of a headache. hours and hours of frustration is not worth the $20 cheaper 280x to me
well your gpu usage depends on a few things... like did you have Vsync or adaptive vsync on? if so, if the GPU only needs 70% to hold 60fps, then that's all it uses.

i personally would go 770. i have two 7950s and constant driver issues and various crashes, it was very frustrating. i also had that on an 8320 at 4.6ghz. I sold those in the bitcoin craze and snagged two 770's, and life has been good. Not a single crash in 4 months, adaptive Vsync works, adaptive power management works... they both crank up to 99% and hold there.

so my two cents, nvidia is just less of a headache. hours and hours of frustration is not worth the $20 cheaper 280x to me
1) Recommend the ASUS GTX770 2GB card. http://pcpartpicker.com/part/asus-video-card-gtx770dc2oc2gd5

2) Card failure is more about the manufacturer. It's not generally an AMD or NVidia issue. Overall NVidia is slightly ahead statistically due to their GPU designs that run a bit cooler, but the main cause of failures is not overheating.

Again though, you need to look at the EXACT MODEL you intend to buy and see if customer reviews indicate good quality. That's why I recommend the Asus GTX770; it's very good quality.
I know about the vsync thing thats pure logic when it comes to it. And no the reason was not that
i guess amd gpus need powerful cpus and nvidia dont, funny thing is amd cant make their own cpus
fast enough for their gpus to feed them. And i feel you about the drivers, betas r pain in the ass
and just when you expect WHQL's to have everything all smoothed out they turn out even worse.

Good thing to hear the 8320 can make them 770's run at 99%, means no bottleneck.
I think ill go with the 770 just because of the optimization issues, tho the r9 280x toxic is so freakin
tempting, but anyways thank you for your op <3