R9 295X2 vs. Titan X?

The Titan X no doubt. The R292X2 looks good on paper, but has terrible driver support which really hampers its performance in games etc, since it is essenstially a crossfire card.

Similar breakdown in most every game ...
I'm going to be gaming at 1440p. I will wait at least until the end of May, to see if the 390x and 980Ti have release dates, but I don't want to wait past that, as I want to game over the summer.

I disagree,

Don't you think the extra Vram on the Titan X is helpful?

Doesn't a single card solution provide lower frame time latency?

A single Gtx 980 with an OC will do a good job powering a 1440p 60 hz monitor however some games will use more than 4 GB of vram with Ultra Textures.

dont get 970 sli, the 3.5gb vram issue is present more with 2 of them, right now the titan x costs wayyy to much, you can get 2 r9 295x2s for the same price or even cheaper. the titan x is the best "single" gpu, whoever mentioned about the r9 295x2 drivers clearly has no idea as theres nothing wrong with it and it still is the best "multi gpu card". id say wait for the new series of cards and see how they match up.

Don't think you need 12gb or the price it costs and will not be used at 1440p, and the difference .5gb is going to make is not worth $250.

Hell if you think it is worth $500 more to use ultra textures instead of very high go for it. I run 2 290x's at 4k and the only game I own where I had to dial textures down a notch was shadow of mordor.
The Titan X offers similar fps and lower frame time latency than the 2 x 290x's in Crossfire.
Better gaming experience than your crossfire set in most games + more vram...

New titles such as GTA 5, Evolve and Dyling light to name a few use more than 4 GB of Vram @ 1440p...
Ya the cf 290x pulls about 600w and I believe the 295x2 is around 500w. To tell you the truth I have very little problems with drivers and scaling is very good in most games.

I can max dying light out with nvidia option and all with no lag or stuttering, with cf 290x 4gb.
Justifies the price for me...The price is less than 2 x 980's, that's is not bad however still not in everybody's reach.

There is nothing wrong with using a 1080p monitor and getting a Gtx 970 however some enthusiasts want 2k or 4k and it's very expensive to power such a monitor unless you don't mind lowering the settings significantly.
i have a single 970 and its good at 1080p but when some games use more than 3.5gb of vram it struggles (thanks nvidia), i was gonna send it back and get a 290x but it gets like 10fps less in most games and i dont want that lol. but i could get 2 290xs for less than one single 980. one 980 is about 450 quid where as i can get two asus rog 290xs for 440.

Which games do you play that go beyond 3.5 GB?
I think Dying light and Far cry 4 use less Vram with the latest patches...

I use around 4.4 @ 1440p with the Titan x.
I think Far cry 4 uses less than 4 @ 1440p after the patches if I remember correctly however it depends on the settings...
i wanna get another 970 but i dno if its gonna be worth it in the end, my 970 is amazing i do admit it, especially the temps, it idles at 20-24 and at load around 64, gaming wise its brilliant, bf4 ultra 90+ fps and it overclocks well, had it to around 1560mhz and ive had it beat a stock 980 in firestrike with a graphics score of 13600.