Radeon HD 5770 - Why are there so many types??


Oct 8, 2011
I've decided on the Radeon HD 5770 card but I'm confused at all the different brands available..gigabytes...powercolor...asus....
all seem to have the same specs but some range around $80, some are up in the $200 range. I'm just really confused at which would be the best one to get for the money and is there a big difference in the brands or manufacturing companies?

Thanks in advance

Well, if there is a 5770 in the $200 range, don't buy it, you can get something better for 200. Some 5770's are more expensive because they're factory OCed or maybe have a custom cooler (MSI Hawk 5770 for ex). It all depends on what kinda card you want, because there are a lot of 5770's out there.
I just want something to play FM 2012 with when it comes out this month!! :) The specs on the game don't require a high end graphics card but I figure for $80 it's better than the HD4400 I have onboard right now which is rated at 1/2 star out of 5 stars.
There are generally no differences between brands other than warranty and the quality of customer support.

Some cards may have different heatsinks, come with bundled games, are overclocked, etc. Some brands may simply just charge slightly more money. I don't know what HD 5770 would cost $200, but there are clearly better performing cards than a $200 HD 5770 in that range

I have a HD 5770 and am considering going crossfire with a new HD 6770 it is essentially the same as the 5770 just a firmware update to add a few features. Check the link I have always had luck with Saphire.
