Question Radeon RX 6600 (Gigabyte) - No Video Signal at Boot / Intermittent to Bad


Jun 13, 2011
I think I found the solution but I wanted to share the experience.

Windows 10
Gigabyte Eagle Radeon RX 6600 (bought brand new)
Asus AMD 970 Pro Gamer MB (used)
32gigs of RAM (new)
Monitor - Samsung 54" 4K TV
Running on that for more than a year and no problems until recently

Symptoms: Intermittent/to worse

When booting, TV on and ready to receive signal, ASUS boot screen with the option to enter BIOS settings comes up and shows, disappears after about 10 seconds and then the TV/Monitor shows clock icon meaning the TV is trying to find signal and then "no signal" message from TV.

When PC booting, TV OFF. Turn on TV after some PC boot time and "no signal" message.

Seemed to have better success with TV already on and ready to receive signal. But that didn't work all the time either.

First I suspected the TV itself and maybe a bad update to the TV firmware and went through a bunch of TV settings but no success. So then I checked the video card seating, and tested it again. Then I get boot code from ASUS MB, 1 long bee-3 short beeps. No video card code. Whoops. Go back and reseat video card and make double sure it's locked into the slot properly. Check everything out and seems to be good for a few boots, even when booting PC with monitor off first then switching on monitor. Nope. Starts happening again. Plug video card into secondary PCIe slot and whalah. Every seems good. Main PCIe slot must be bad. Works good for a few boots. Nope. Starts happening again either way, booting with monitor off or booting with monitor on. Well could be a bad video card even though it was bought new. Starting looking at new components on Newegg and a whole system upgrade while I was at it. In the meantime I'm trying to figure what it could be other the the video card itself.

Then I started suspecting Windows 10 because I know it's got that stupid boot manger stuck in my BIOS that there's no getting rid of. But first, what about a bad Windows 10 update? Went into settings with the intention to delete the most recent windows updates 1 by 1 and checking the problem after uninstalling each one. So the first update I uninstalled was a security update KB5044273. Welp, it seemed to work at first but .. nope. So before I started uninstalling more Windows updates I kept thinking about the Windows boot manager garbage. The stupid boot manger menu never even came up EVER when the PC was booting even though it was still in "enabled" mode with a 30 second timeout. So I'm like.. I'm going to uninstall that boot manger before I start uninstalling a bunch of Windows updates and see what happens. Get on the internet and figure out how to "disable" windows boot manger via about 3 different avenues and got that garbage disabled. Everything is working as it did before now. It's only been about 8 hours but I've shutdown and restarted multiple times and no problem whatsoever. Either booting with the monitor off or with it up and ready. From right now, the way it's booting flawless with signal to the monitor time after time I'm feeling like it's solved. And I'm more sure it was that janky boot manger than the uninstalling of the Windows security update even though I should have tested it more methodically and not done two things at once not knowing which one it could be if it worked. I think that boot manager (maybe from a windows update) got screwed up and was screwing up the handshake with the monitor.

So that's my tentative resolution/solution. If you have a problem with no signal to monitor after your initial boot screen shows up at boot, DISABLE WINDOWS BOOT MANAGER and see if that works. Yeah, it's been a couple weeks worth of frustration.

I will most definitely post back in a few days with a success/or no-success update.