[SOLVED] RAID 6 failure please help!


Oct 27, 2016
hi folks, the lab where I work has a server with a RAID 6 (16 HD). it recently failed and the guy who bought it/maintained it is gone. Every time we turn it on it shows a different set of HD failed (please see attached pics). I thought was the controller so I bought a new one, but still same problem. Any advice/video/walkthrough that I can follow to save the data in the HD?

pics here: View: https://imgur.com/a/J4UMCqf
If all on a single RAID controller, how many breakout/expander cables are used? Were these connected to same ports as original? (RAID controllers might not take kindly to having a portion of it's member disks effectively 'jumbled' at any point during troubleshooting...; with 4 unlabeled breakout cables of sufficient length to be misplaced , that's still quite a few combinations possible of having them connected in correct sequence so that drives 1-4, 5-8, etc., are connected to correct ports. If you are absolutely sure they were reconnected correctly, disregard)
If all on a single RAID controller, how many breakout/expander cables are used? Were these connected to same ports as original? (RAID controllers might not take kindly to having a portion of it's member disks effectively 'jumbled' at any point during troubleshooting...; with 4 unlabeled breakout cables of sufficient length to be misplaced , that's still quite a few combinations possible of having them connected in correct sequence so that drives 1-4, 5-8, etc., are connected to correct ports. If you are absolutely sure they were reconnected correctly, disregard)
View: https://imgur.com/OqYl9XY
here are the connection! thanks for the help! 4 cables from the controller to 4 expanders and 4 HD to each expander. when replacing the controller, I unplugged the cables and plugged them back into the new controller in the same position. the cables are labelled so no issues here,
I will check that! one side naive question: is it possible to copy the files to a new disk from the single old HD without arranging them in a functional RAID?
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