[SOLVED] ram and slots

Apr 21, 2020
i had a 4GB ram ( PC3-10600U ) ( 1333mhz)
board h55(mini)(DUAL -channel).
I bought a new 4GB ram ( PC3-12800 )(
1666mhz ). So here's problem.

Both ram works fine one by one on slot 1. Both doesn't But neither of them work on slot 2 (monitor keeps black). When using both on slot 1, 2. ( 10600u )( 12800 ) in this case pc works fine but 12800 doesn't show on ( hardware says 4GB installed ), (12800)(10600U) in this case pc turns on but monitor keeps black. I explained as much as i can. Feel free to ask me other question.
Your 2 DRAM modules are incompatible with each other. It is best to buy a 2 piece DRAM "kit" to ensure they will be compatible with each other. Also check the in the approved vendors list that the "kit" is compatible with the mobo.