Question RAM not fully used

Sep 15, 2023
Hi, I'm posting this because I have a problem, my laptop has 2 sticks of RAM, each of which has 4GB, so my laptop has 8GB, but only 5.46 GB is usable. I looked for a solution on the internet, and found one way, namely doing Memory Remapping, but when I entered my BIOS (Aptio Setup Utility) there was no Memory Remapping feature, how do I solve it? If there is a solution, please let me know. Thank you very much!
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

Make and model of your laptop? An SKU would help us two fold. You might want to see if your laptop is pending any BIOS updates...then again I suspect your OS is the root cause of the issue, meaning it could be due to a corrupt OS.

What OS are you working with? Got a link to the rams you've got in your laptop?
my laptop has 8GB, but only 5.46 GB is usable
have you looked into the possibility that your system is "sharing" RAM with the graphics processor?

you will definitely need to include the make & model of the laptop.
along with any optional features(GPU, etc) you may have included in the configuration before purchase.
if you still have a link to the original manufacturer support site for this model, include the link.
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