Question random black screens [gtx 1050]

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May 28, 2022
I have the problem that my screen randomly turn black for like 2-3s and than it gets back to normal these blackscreens can come really fast like 5-6 per min or 1 per hour. I noticed that its often happening when I browse in the internet or play games (but only minecraft seems to be producing black screens) watching youtube is also nearly impossible because it constently black screens until you close the video. Also I noticed that the crad probably couldnt handle certain coulours because when im on site section with a certain colour it black screens extremly often and when I scroll down it stopps. The Issue also has something to do with a setting because on linux all things are fine and it first started when I got a new graphics card.

My specs:
cpu: I7 2600
Mainboard: dell (optiplex 990)
Ram #1: Kingston A9268298
Ram #2: SK Hynix 37333B5c
Ram #3: Kingston A9268298
Ram #4: SK Hynix 37333B5c
GPU: GTX 1050
Psu: 250w

Thanks for any Help.

P.S. sorry for bad english.
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