Question really bad and random input delay out of the blue

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Jul 25, 2020
Hello, this is my second PC ive built and the second time I have had this same issue. everything was running fine perfectly then out of the blue one day I get really bad input delay. feels like im playing on console even tho im at 240hz/fps. also when i lower my refresh rate down to 60hz/fps it is literally unplayable and feels really bad input delay like 20fps.

gtx 1650 super
16gb ddr4 ram
25gb ssd
1tb hdd
gigabyte b360n mobo

bearing in mind this is the 2nd time this has happened to me. i have tried all obvious solutions, fully reset pc, re downloaded games etc. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can someone help me with this its driving me insane!!!!!!!
Yeah it feels like everything I do is delayed almost like console I fixed it once because I realized my cpu was overheating and replaced thermal paste then it was perfect and my game felt amazing but then it came back again
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