Question Realtek going crazy

Apr 28, 2019
Title says it all. This started ocurring 2-3 days ago. Out of no where my realtek starts saying ive plugged, and unplugged a device (opening and closing non stop).Any fix?
Technically 'no' the title doesn't say it all... "Realtek" is a company and they have many 'products' such as actual audio chips and/or audio subsystems on motherboards (which is probably what your talking about) to audio codecs, etc.
But if the "Realtek" Audio 'control panel' is giving you this notification/or even windows - one thing to check is to actually wiggle the wire at the back of your pc that Realtek is giving you a notice about. Much of the time the wire's will wear out and/or break inside the cable... Or have you tried unplugging that device and rebooting - this is just to see if its the 'audio subsystem' on your motherboard going nuts... If it's fine then your system should be fine and I'd localize your issue to the item you've unplugged. You can then plug it back in and in a different port if you can and see if it continues to go nuts.
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