Question Reason for sub-par fps on my 1080?


Sep 13, 2013
Hey guys, I got myself a 1080 a little while back and honestly I've never tried to run it on much hard. But I recently picked up the battlefield games again and noticed I was taking fps pretty hard.

Then I realised this was happening for any slightly challenging game.

I have tried a few things:
-drivers uninstalled and reinstalled with latest
-ensured it's receiving enough power.
-made sure I'm using the correct pci slots
-obviously monitor it's plugged into the gpu not the motherboard
-nothings overheating
-I ran timespy and got a score that made sense for my specs.

I can knock down the settings all I like and slam down the resolution and still it tanks pretty hard. It gets maybe 10fps extra on low in 1080p than the amount it does on high in 2560x1440.

I'm not sure if I'm bottlenecking somewhere or something. Honestly I'm not amazing with PC parts and this is my second ever self made PC build. Some help would be appreciated.

  • GTX 1080
  • i5-8600k
  • Gigabyte Z370p D3
-16gb DDR4 2400MHz

My windows 10 is saved on an SSD and I've notice no issues with background software. Though I don't seem to be able to actively monitor my CPU usage when in full screen games cause one monitor.

I've disabled all the background process I can.

Any other ideas?


I do find this a bit strange.
I use a GTX1080 with a R7 1700. I play at 1080p and the GPU will Max or Ultra settings in every game I play. I don't have Battlefield, but Wildlands even on Ultra hits 59-60 FPS on V sync, it goes well higher when I turn that off (on average) but due to tearing, etc....Even with Ashes the lowest I see is high 50's on parts of the bench. Battlefront is well higher, but I know that is no direct relation to Battlefield.

As you lower resolution it becomes more CPU bound, but not sure that you should be seeing that manner of performance hit on low settings at 1080P. I feel like your 2K FPS "seems" plausible. In my own testing with 4K on this card I was seeing many games fall into the 40's on medium settings with the GTX1080.

I might suggest looking on youtube with a specific search regarding your processor and the game in question to see what manner of results testers have had. Beyond that it seems like you have done everything I could suggest.


Sep 13, 2013
I do find this a bit strange.
I use a GTX1080 with a R7 1700. I play at 1080p and the GPU will Max or Ultra settings in every game I play. I don't have Battlefield, but Wildlands even on Ultra hits 59-60 FPS on V sync, it goes well higher when I turn that off (on average) but due to tearing, etc....Even with Ashes the lowest I see is high 50's on parts of the bench. Battlefront is well higher, but I know that is no direct relation to Battlefield.

As you lower resolution it becomes more CPU bound, but not sure that you should be seeing that manner of performance hit on low settings at 1080P. I feel like your 2K FPS "seems" plausible. In my own testing with 4K on this card I was seeing many games fall into the 40's on medium settings with the GTX1080.

I might suggest looking on youtube with a specific search regarding your processor and the game in question to see what manner of results testers have had. Beyond that it seems like you have done everything I could suggest.

I really hope it's not plausible, because I was told by various sites a 1080 should get a solid 90fps or so in battlefield V and higher in the others even on 2k.

It's less, "the game in question" and more in general at this point. But I'll definitely look into CPU performance videos. Cheers


Sep 13, 2013
Just as a side note....are you OC'ed?

I had issues with a particular title not playing well when OC'ed.

I have not overclocked but my CPU does that by itself. It does 3.9 but clocks itself to around 4.2

I'm a little scared to overclock anything to be honest. I'm not that good with PC stuff and I don't wanna break anything. I've gone over some guides and understand the basics. I may in the future


Sep 13, 2013
Install msi afterburner and configure on screen display for cpu/memory/gpu temperature and load. Play the game and note load and temps during game play.

Well, after doing this I can say its most likely my CPU, yet this doesn't make sense, its running at 100% load at like 55 degrees stable. This component shouldn't be blocking me, but it clearly seems to be.
It's a 3.6Ghz (autoclocked to 4.2Ghz) i5-8600k. This should be more than enough to run battlefield
Yes, most likely, but the issue is, this CPU should perform fine for battlefield at these settings

I wonder if some background process is hogging his CPU time. There are multiple things that can "hang" a CPU at 100% that have nothing to do with processing, but instead waiting on an external resource (ie: Memory, Storage, Bus operation, Networking Services) If you are on Wifi and your frames drop in large multiplayer scenes, you may discover that your link rate is crud, and you just don't have the data rate necessary.

[windows key] type "Resource Monitor" hit [enter]

Bring up [Overview] tab and sort by CPU usage (hit cpu column)

Alternatively, you can click check the Battlefield 5 executable and only processes and task associated with battlefield 5 will show up. (This includes memory and disk access.) I once had slow loading times on my RAID 0 array to only discover there was a very significant activity time on my HDD because the 2nd HDD was failing and would require multiple read passes.

Let it run in the background and task switch out when you get lag and take a look at the [Overview] tab graphs to see if anything is pegging out.
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Are you familiar with how to get in BIOS?

You have an unlocked chip and Z series motherboard. The 8600K is quite easy to put a very mild OC on without having to change much.
I would ask if you have a half decent cooler. Is your case getting good airflow and it's vents filters clean....if currently so, leave your side panel off for this experiment. If the filters/vents are dirty, clean them and you can choose to leave panel on or off.

You will have to check your specific manual for where these items are but Gigabyte make this stuff pretty straight forward.
Without changing the voltage, change your multiplier up to 46.
See if XMP will allow you to load a 26xx profile for your RAM
save changes and worries as if it is an issue at all it will just blue screen, you can boot back to BIOS and "default" in that same screen you save an exit from.
side the multiplier increase first. Perhaps try x45, see if it boots, then x46. If it then boots fine move on to the XMP profile that way if you do blue screen or restart you know what caused it.

See if you don't see an improvement from that.

For more reference, with some other changes you should readily be able to OC that chip to 4.8 or maybe a bit better. I would suggest doing some reading about the power states and load leveling, etc. Just stick to a simple one first and see what happens. Watch your temps.