Aug 16, 2021
Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me with some troubles I'm having. I was connected to the WiFi but it said I had no internet connection so I was searching about and it told me to uninstall the network adapter, so I did. It also said it would prompt me as to how to reinstall it after I restarted my device but it never did. I still have no internet and now I have no adapter installed and don't know how to reinstall it. I've tried a few other things but nothing works. Can someone please help me?
If this is a prebuilt: Go to your manufacturer's support page on the device you are currently using. There should be a function to find drivers and other supports by your computer's serial number. Start from there.

If not: Go to device manager. Are there anything with a question or exclamation mark showing up there?
If this is a prebuilt: Go to your manufacturer's support page on the device you are currently using. There should be a function to find drivers and other supports by your computer's serial number. Start from there.

If not: Go to device manager. Are there anything with a question or exclamation mark showing up there?