News Researchers Develop Permanent Magnetic Cooling System for Quantum Computers

Researchers from the German Technical University of Munich developed a permanent magnetic cooling system for quantum computers, making them more practical.
A bit thin on details, here. Exactly what do they mean by "permanent"? I guess that you can run it indefinitely?

So, does it use some kind of ferrous particles, and somehow completely suspend their motion, in a magnetic field? I wonder whether/how that magnetic field might interact with the quantum computer, since I've read they're extremely sensitive to disturbance from EMI.
This a magnetic cooling solution that is permanent. The title "Permanent Magnetic Cooling for Quantum Computers" Is a bit misleading as some are going to wonder if it uses permanent magnets. This is good news since helium is highly depleted and keeps escaping into space. I wonder if we will see overclocking with magnetic solutions :)
Wikipedia says "accounts for 7.2 parts per trillion of the atmosphere." So, I'm skeptical that atmospheric extraction would ever be viable.
Haha, I mean does it get cold enough. Figuring out how to get gas out of the upper atmosphere where the cocentration is (probably) higher is a different problem to eventually solve sometime between now and when underground helium runs out.