How To 

Route 66 Map Guide For Overwatch

This map is an escort the payload game style map, and is the last map they added to the game during the closed Beta. There are a lot of side tunnels and twisting and turning paths to learn, so with this map more than any other it might be a good idea to head into a practice game and just explore the map to learn all of it's ins and outs.

Objective A)Getting past the diner to the first checkpoint.
First getting out of the gate can be hard, you'll have to hit them hard and fast and get on that objective to get it moving past this open area quickly. Your spawn point is in an area that leaves you very vulnerable to long range snipers who could be set up on the walkway behind the payload, or even on the road ahead of it to watch for anyone who gets on the payload to move it. Once you get past this walkway, watch the roof of the diner here as once the enemy gets pushed back initially this is the most likely place they will set up in.


Objective B)The trek through town.
You'll have to push the objective through what looks to be a small town here, and there are a lot of rooftops and walkways where defenses can be set up. Most notably, there are some good spots where you can set up turrets right near the checkpoint at the end of town so that you can gun them all down as soon as they even get in sight of where they need to go. Keep this spot in mind when you are attacking and always check for enemy turrets that need to be removed before you can push.


Objective C)The last push down the corridor.
This is probably one of the hardest parts of any escort match in the game. This is a long open hallway, complete with an overlooking rooftop type thing to the left, and even moving platforms that a Bastion can set up on so that they can be a moving turret that will travel up and down the entire length of this hallway, so keep an eye on this for either Bastion's or Torbjorn turrets. There are some early ramps that will lead up to the higher ground on the left near the start of this push though, so your flankers should be able to use these to get behind the enemy team and keep control of that overlooking area, negating a lot of the threat the defensive team may set up along here.
