Question RTX 2070 very low fps in league, help.


May 24, 2018
My gpu works fine in any other game. But in this game it runs at either 1140mhz or 1410mhz,
not 1920mhz like any other games. It looks like a low power mode, dont know how to fix.
The card is a msi Armor OC edition.

I get like 120fps, with gpu staying at 30% usage, but wont boost to higher speed.

Have a ryzen 7 1700x overclocked to 3.95ghz so shouldnt be the bottleneck.

Userbenchmark of the pc:
Thats not it. I had higher fps before with a worse card. So its not the game, it is to do with the gpu not boosting up.
It is not boosting up because it is doing everything the game is asking it to do without breaking a sweat. A weaker card is definitely able to get better frames because it will be working harder by default. If you REALLY want to squeeze it the make a power plan that prevents it from throttling down but you will not see much change in numbers.
i have a 144hz screen. would atleast want to get that stable. how can i force it from not throttling down in league?
As i said make a power plan that limits the GPU's ability to throttle down below like 1600Mhz if that is what you want. Just make sure to not leave it on that power plan all the time or you will cook the poor thing. The other thing you should do is go to the NVidia control panel and turn off V-Sync. also see if there is a setting for Higher frame limits with LOL i haven't played it in years so i am not up to date on the configs. The last thing you should do is make sure every visual setting is cranked to the absolute max setting. Seems counter intuitive but trust me you have a reverse bottleneck IE the game is not putting out enough data for the computer to process rather than the other way around