Question RTX 4070Ti Super not working properly


Apr 1, 2015

My friend updated his Asus RTX 4070Ti Super graphics driver to the latest version. Then we heard about the whole driver situation and he tried out some games and none of them worked. The gpu had no problem before the update. He played Cyberpunk 2077, Stalker 2, and so on on 4K ultra, but now almost all of the games crash on launch and sometimes he gets the BSOD. We deleted the driver in safe mode with a DDU and then reinstalled an older version, but it is not working.

Then I reinstalled the windows 11, and installed an older driver first but that didn't work either. So I uninstalled that driver too with the DDU in safe mode, and then installed an even older driver. I did this like 3 more times, and now some of the games work. His current driver is 565.90.

I tried lowering the resolution from 4K to 2K, and then to 1080p. Stalker 2 started on 2K but crashed in the menu. Then it started again on 1080p and we got to the first cutschene and then it crashed again with a video memory leak error message. Cyberpunk 2077 crash on launch every time no matter the setting.

I tried this resolution thing with refresh rate changes too. From 144 to 120 to 60. Some games get to the menu and then crash, some got the bsod. We tried this whole thing with win10, but the results are the same, and I'm out of ideas. I tried some other thing too, like only install the graphics driver alone, without the physx and stuff. And then tried with and without nvidia experience, but no. And the main thing is that in the news articles that I read said the update only affected the rtx 50 series and not the 40 or 30 series, but I read other forums and people having problems on older series as well.

My question is:
How is it possible that a brand new PC (I built that pc in december 2024) is this unstable after a standard GPU driver update? I mean, we completely wiped the whole C drive when we reinstalled the windows and the games are still crashing, with an older driver. How? The fresh system never saw the latest driver, and the machine is still horrible. Did the driver update changed something in the gpu's ROM or something? I don't know, but it bothers the hell out of me. Do we wait for another update, and hope it will fix the problems, or send the video card back and get a new one?

Thanks for the help.
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When posting a thread of troubleshooting nature, it's customary to include your full system's specs. Please list the specs to your build like so:
CPU cooler:
include the age of the PSU apart from it's make and model. BIOS version for your motherboard at this moment of time.

Did you recreate your bootable USB installer for your OS, to rule out a corruption? Did you install the OS in offline mode while all drives were disconnected except for the one you wished to install the OS onto(deleting all partitions)? Did you install all relevant drivers with the latest version while in offline mode? The latter would need you to create an offline account and not connect to the www.

When using DDU, you remove all GPU drivers(Intel, AMD and Nvidia) in Safe Mode, then manually install the latest GPU driver sourced from Nvidia's support site in an elevated command, i.e, Right click installer>Run as Administrator?
- I didn't include the full pc specs because the problem started with the graphics driver update. The other components are not affected by anything at all since no update was done on them except the video card driver. Also I can't remember what where the other components right now.
- The PC is brand new. I built it in december 24 2024 as a christmas present. It was working perfectly without any problems before the graphics driver update.
- The pendrive I used to reinstall the windows was a clean never used pendrive that I created a day prior.
- I always install windows without internet, and we deleted all partitions, not just the C drive.
- I installed the graphics drivers in safe mode both with and without internet. I didn't insattled the latest graphics drivers because that's caused the whole thing to go awry, but I tried multiple older ones from 572.47 to 560.94 and mostly the Game redy drivers. The one that had the most success was 565.90, and that's what's on it right now. I also tried the install in normal mode with and without internet after the ddu did its job.
- We always use local profiles on windows, so it was a totally clean install with a new account without microsoft login.
- Yeah. I removed all gpu drivers with the ddu, and then installed the official drivers manually with admin rights always. I tried the driver install with and without restarting the windows after the ddu was finished.
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