Microsoft may be showing that far-sighted brilliance of theirs. After seeing Jobs and Yoko & Paul go at it over a certain fruit name, perhaps Microsoft is undermining a threatened Apple suit if Apple proceeds in acquiring a popular Scandinavian home-furnishings conglomerate. After all, it would easily fit within Apple's current product line - iPhone, iPad, iMac, iSpy, iWant, iHave, iKea.
By avoiding the Kia-Kea wars, Microsoft might be saving oodles of money, this way. Plus maybe a certain South Korean car manufacturer has looked up American '70s auto history and discovered how Chevy's innovative Nova (one of the very first aluminum-block engines) actually earned the Spanish word, "No Va" as in "no go". Especially when so many Nova/NoVa's were seen. littering bar-ditches and service roads.
"OK, no more Kia stuff. No KIA is too insulting, so let's get rid of that name..."