Question Ryzen 7 1700 Eight cores only shows 2 cores.

May 21, 2021
I own an ROG GL702ZC with Ryzen 7 1700 Eight core processor

But when I checked the performance page in task manager it only shows 2 cores and my CPU utilization have been high lately and I need to enable more cores. (This also only showed 4 processor in system configuration, which others with the same CPU showed 16).

I noticed some solution might to changed the number of processors disabled in my BIOS settings. I've checked my BIOS settings which is ASUS Utility BIOS 303, and there's no AI Tweaker to change the number of disabled processor in advanced settings ( I believed others have it, and mine doesn't showed up).

I have also installed Ryzen Master, and it showed all 8 cores, with 6 cores disabled, but if I want to enable it, it showed "Number of processor disabled lesser than current cannot be applied. Update BIOS to enable this feature..."
Which I cannot do, because EZ Flash 3 wouldn't allow me to update bios without battery (Which mine is already busted).
And I believed updating it will not actually help, because I've seen other with same BIOS version have the option of AI Tweaker and option to change number of disabled cores.

Does anyone could help me with this? Is it because it's a premade build? Is there any bypass?

Ryzen master Pic 1
CPU performance Pic 2
Did you buy new/used? upgrade the storage?
I bought it new, but it get into the ASUS Service center once because it gets flooded. They had to change the whole MB. (That was all that they replaced as far as I know, no storage got replaced cause I got all my data back)

I did add another RAM cause it got one more slot, I add another 8 to made it 16, with the exact same model , but not the storage.