COLGeek :
redgarl :
COLGeek :
Interesting read here:
BTW, many of the mods have built or are building Ryzen rigs (including me). This is for those who insist we are a bunch of shills for "insert company here".
BTW, many of the mods have built or are building Ryzen rigs (including me). This is for those who insist we are a bunch of shills for "insert company here".
Because you never give the full picture. You always provide conclusions over debatable argument.
See the picture? 1% more GAMING performance at 4k for 600$ more... Intel inside...
Another one since everyone else doesn't know what they are talking about...
Yeah yeah, I know, GPU bottleneck, however 4k will be GPU bottleneck for the next 3-4 years... so why even bothering.
The reality with "reviews" is simply this. Reviews are like rear ends. They all stink (from a certain perspective)
In all of my professional career, I have never seen a universally lauded review of any product. Someone will always find fault, or a scenario that "should" have been included.
I would suggest that each review, regardless of source, be taken within the context presented. Constructive criticism is fair, but questioning the motives and integrity of the reviewer/site serves no purpose.
Debate the merits with facts. Attack positions and back them up with sources.
Feel free to provide your own (this is a rhetorical statement) review for others to consider.
Thanks for all of the discussion.
People could also try reading multiple reviews instead or expecting 1 reviewer to waste days, weeks or even months trying to cover every possible scenario in a single product review. Some reviewers actually make a point to avoid covering the same games/scenarios as everyone else is using. Some might even go that extra mile to test different system settings to show the effects.
As is usual with reviews, the fanboys always want to see a review that's heavily biased towards their preferred company. If that doesn't happen, they accuse the reviewer of being paid by someone.