palladin9479 :
HavocdotEZ :
People who are saying frames over 60 do not matter, please go get a 144hz monitor and see the difference. When I'm playing PVP 144 frames gives me a noticeable advantage over someone with a 60hz monitor. If the games you are playing is mostly single player/PVE then I guess it does not matter.
Placebo effect is real.
60hz is one frame every 16.666ms, that is faster then the human mind can react. Going further, 120hz is one frame every 8.333ms, 8ms is far below the threshold where a human mind can actually react. Higher refresh rate does absolutely nothing for you or any other human being on the planet. The most you'll get out of it is slightly smoother video effects while processing black -> white -> black effects. Your reactions are more dependent on you anticipating the action and starting the mental processing before it's even happened.
Note on how the human eye works, it doesn't "see" frames or have a refresh rate. The cones and rods simply sense photon impacts and send electrical pulses back to the brain where they are interpreted and an image is synthesized out of them. The upper limit on the brains synthesis ability is right around 20 individually distinguishable images per second. Of course since the eyeball and brain are analogue they can distinguish sharp changes in light patterns even if it's not a full image or blurred and this is why we want higher image rates in scenes with dramatic lighting effects. So a film that's a bunch of long range nature scenery with natural lighting would be fine at 20fps, while more complex movies would need closer to 30fps for a natural feel and even faster scenes (action / sports) would be better with 40+ fps.
Anyhow, as someone who owns a 1440p 144hz monitor I can tell you that the extra refresh rates are undetectable outside of some extreme situations. It's all placebo.
Lol if you have a 1440p monitor you are probably playing on 1440p. I doubt your computer is able to produce 144 frames on any new games at 1440p resolution so of course you will not see an improvement. If your graphics card and cpu can hold your frames around 144 you will notice exactly what I am talking about. The smoothness of your mouse movement, significantly reduced motion blur, and it's even been shown that objects on a high refresh rate monitor appear fractions of a second before a 60hz monitor. Whether or not you can react to that is your problem, but it definitely gives you a competitive advantage.