Salary of retired US Presidents

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Salary of retired US Presidents .............$180,000 FOR LIFE
Salary of House/Senate .......................$174,00​0 FOR LIFE
Salary of Speaker of the House ............$223,500 FOR LIFE
Salary of Majority/Minority Leaders ...... $193,400 FOR LIFE
Average Salary of a teacher ................ $40,065
Average Salary of Soldier DEPLOYED IN AFGHANISTAN $38,000
I think we found where the cuts should be made!
Politicians shouldn't get a dime after they've left office and ideally they should be forced to join an HMO for healthcare and not make more than the median wage (yeah, I know this would only foster corruption instead of making politicians care more about people who are not in the 95th percentile, but a man can dream...)
Yeah we can do it like no child left behind.

You receive compensation depending on how well you have done in office.....Or make a law saying that we get to tax the shite out of any future book deals or speaking fees. Its only fair....
My mother is a retired teacher and they should make a lot more; most are screwed-out of their Social Security because of their pensions. Thankfully, my father retired very well. Most people in politics don't care about their salaries - write a book for $5M~$8M+, some 'inside deal,' speaking for $50K~$100K for a day or two, etc. I personally know Vern Buchanan and he is obscenely wealthy.

I'm very thankful I have a good income, but there's no friggin way I want that fame from politics - just give me the $ and let me be in public in obscurely.

The company I own in part does economic forecasting -- you have NO idea how screwed we all are, and over the next couple years 'sub-prime' with be substituted for 'option-arm'.

Blame not only the 'puppet politicians' blame pure manipulative greed and those whom fund their campaigns and the lobbyists -- strings attached. We nor any 'modernized' country can compete with $0.75/hour labor. Stop SuperPac's and make lobbying illegal; anytime money/greed overrules good judgment -- we're all screwed -- big time!!!! Don't confuse Communism with Social Programs. I'll never be okay with allowing the true needy nor anyone suffer, leaders with the philosophy everyone should take care of themselves is from the Dark Ages, brutal and cruel and not the World of barbarism I enjoy living in.

The deficit acceleration root cause is/was funding wars {it's about OIL - the terrorist were from Saudi Arabia}, programs e.g. Medicare Part D {pharmaceutical industry}, you name it with borrowing instead of War taxes, Entitlement taxes, etc. I get lower taxes to a 'point' {diminishing returns} increases employment, but IF the demand isn't there there's no use in me hiring more workers regardless of taxes. Most wealthy people are paying capital gain rates. The entire tax code needs a complete redo. In essence BALANCE 'the' checkbook - it was called PayGo. The initial fix - raise import taxes (30%-50%), no multinational loop hole {if it comes in it gets taxed}, and require balanced trade agreements; this would fix unemployment in no time.

I'm stopping - I could write a book - We Think but We Know Nothing.
The number #1 asset we have is the 'Intellect' of our people, the powers that be want cheap labor (ie morons). What are we going to do when we can mechanize 99% of labor? Technology is a duel edged sword.

My preach - most everyone is screwed. We the People ==> We the Corporation.
^ It started off with Harry Truman, so u can probably blame him for that.

Blame him? Why? For the concern of his fellows who were so dismayed that he wasn't doing well that they practically forced a retirement on him? And they had to get the personally wealthy Hoover to take it too, so Truman wouldn't feel pitied.

But at least it's taxable!

You guys are worried about retired President's salaries, it's a tiny drop in the bucket -- factor in the millions per year per President, their family and for 10 years for the Secret Service.

BTW - most all President's have donated their salaries to charity.
It is a tough one as these people ran the country, knew all of the secrets, handled really stressful national issues.

I think (depending on the time in office and seniority of the position) they are entitled to a salary.

Moreover, I consider they should continue to provide service for that salary, by being involved as panel members for think tanks / govt planning workshops etc ...

Get a bit of ROI for the salary.
Politicians should get payed dirt, that way we'll know for sure whether somebody is running, because they care or if they want the benefits and fame.

Also, jaquith, I agree, teachers should make more, but I'm sick and tired of the unions...a lot of teacher simply have got to go but they don't because of the unions.

I agree with reynod on this. 😱 Oh, wait. What did I say?

George Bush did it right. Like all good former presidents, he has all but faded away into obscurity.

Compare with Bill Clinton or Jimmy Carter. They are addicted to the limelight.
@jsc - you're kidding right?!?

In the beginning I was a strong Republican until I figured-out I'm not wealthy enough to be one and I have plenty of money. If you have a company with $50M+ then yep I'd be a Republican.

Nixon, Reagan, and Bush(s) - pushing MFN {Most Favorable Nation} to China. Cheap labor - result destabilization of most industrial countries: USA & Japan.

Bush, SR - Head of CIA / later VP -> armed, funded & trained Bin Laden to get the Russian's out of Afghanistan 'Insurrection'. Then he screwed Bin Laden and left them to die. OIL
Bush, JR - 911 Bin Laden and Saudi Arabian terrorists, payback WAR in Iraq {WTHJ??!!}; created an entire region of NEW terrorists. Thousands are dead. Trillions USD unfunded aka Deficit. OIL

Carter - Invested in oil alternative research - some day if we don't burn Hydrogen will be burn algae/oil.
Clinton - PayGo and Deficit reduction policies; Bush poof - record deficit spending.


nice info...
this is up your alley huh.?
Obama is okay, I really wanted Hillary to win - truth be told 😉

People ass-u-me they understand 'how to World works' trouble is they don't.

1. Bank bailout - say you didn't, honestly we'd be in a 'real' Global Depression, now let's say 'WE' owned a company with $50M in the 'Bank.' $40M was overhead OR we had our 401K with $300K. Now the Bank goes 'poof' and is liquidated. First NONE of our money is Federally Insured {FDIC or FSLIC}, in the sale maybe we get 25~35 cents on dollar IF the economy wasn't on a death spiral down. Best case - our business would end up in Chapter 11, we'd lay-off till we scream - we might cause more Chapter 11/13 for our suppliers, vendors, etc. Our 401K is now a 101K. This ignores to hellish others sharing our mess.

2. Automobile bailout - ~$50B in Bailout. Direct and indirect {payroll} taxes up until the crisis was $30B~$40B/year. Now if suddenly you have a Million+ people unemployed the US would have paid-out the same or more in unemployment and Federal tax loss. Look at it this way, simple, if through my actions you made $4,000 per year over decades and suddenly I faced going out of business -- would you borrow me $4,000 if the you would continue to profit $4000 per year? OR would you let me go out of business and not only lose $4,000/year but pay-out $3,000~$4,000 because I left you indirectly obligated to pay. Letting me go out of business - you'd be a moron. The Auto companies didn't cause the Global Recession.

My data. I knew about this crisis back in late 2004 and I was 100% certain in mid 2005. WHY? CPI {Consumer Price Index} If the CPI normally increases 2%~4% per year and 'costs' match no one notices and 'AFFORDABILITY' is unaffected; Income +4% - Costs +4% = 0. So how did I know 100%, history 101 - if you remember both the S&L Crisis & CA/TX Housing Crisis then you have a perfect match. During the 'Housing Bubble' {any bubble} the Housing rose at a rate of 20X CPI or 40%+/year -- unsustainable. Now factor-in a weakened economy, and (2) types of BAD LOANS: 1. Sub-Prime AND 2. Option-ARM. In an Option-ARM {7/23 or 5/25} the 'teaser rate' might be 3% and after 5 or 7 years it fixes to 9%, but you were qualified at say 5%. WTH do you do when it resets to 9%??!!

Take this Mortgage Reset Chart, in Sub-Prime add 12~15 months {Foreclosure time}, BUT now since the Banks don't want to load-up their 'Books' with LIS Pendens/NOD so the {Foreclosure time} is stretched-out to 36~48 months which takes us till 2015~2016 PLUS the time to liquidate REO {Foreclosure} OR 2016~2018. The real estate market will initially DROP another 20%~35%+ form it's current Market Values. The problem & solution is NEGATIVE EQUITY to refinance out of the OLD Option-ARM, and the solution 'may' be for the Banks to simply FIX the rate between the 'teaser rate' to 'borrower's qualified rate.' Seems simple but Investors {401K, Insurance Companies, Foreign, etc} dictate the terms NOT the banks.

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