[SOLVED] Samsung 970 Evo vs 970 Pro


Dec 12, 2018
Hello, I am planning to build a Gaming PC and I had decided to buy as SSD, the NVME samsung 970 evo 500Gb which costs in my country 140€. But, these days I saw that the 970 Pro 512Gb costs 145€ only. So isn't it worth paying 5€ or even 15€ for buying the 970 Pro. Isn't it faster??? Please help me make the best choice.
The Pro is only faster in long sustained data movement, only due to the cache on the EVO filling up.
In a gaming system, you'll see zero difference.
Ok thank you for your really quick reply. Actually your response came in less than 2 minutes!!! So, all in all it's better as SSD despite the 0 difference in every day gaming experience. So I should buy this, right?