Found this at PCWorld: Basicly what its saying is that XP will stop shipping on January 30th.
Microsoft is planning to discontinue most sales of Windows XP on January 30th--effectively ensuring that just about any Windows machine you buy from July 1st onwards will run Vista, whether you want it to or not.

Lots of folks would prefer to maintain the XP option. And our colleagues at InfoWorld have set up a clever site called to serve as a gathering place for XP supporters. It's got a save-XP petition which more than 70,000 folks have signed, articles, podcasts, links, and a lot more.

Head over there to check it out and, if you so choose, put your name on the petition. Or take our little survey on XP and its fate--I'll report back on the results once a quorum of folks have voted...

Here is the link to the survey:

Sorry if I posted this in the wrong section ;), but this is one of the more popular sections.

Save XP Petition count update:
Join the 84,152 people so far (as of 9a PT on Feb. 8) who have had signed our online petition to demand that Microsoft not stop OEM and shrinkwrapped sales of Windows XP as planned on June 30, 2008, but instead keep it available indefinitely.

Save XP Petition count update:
Join the 90,381 people so far (as of 9a PT on Feb. 12) who have signed our online petition to demand that Microsoft not stop OEM and shrinkwrapped sales of Windows XP as planned on June 30, 2008, but instead keep it available indefinitely

Save XP Petition count update:
Join the 92,439 people so far (as of 9a PT on Feb. 14) who have signed our online petition to demand that Microsoft not stop OEM and shrinkwrapped sales of Windows XP as planned on June 30, 2008, but instead keep it available indefinitely.

How many of the people on THF has signed the petition I wonder....
Please post "I have voted" if you have voted on the petition

@turpit could you please sticky this? Pretty Please :D

Save XP Count update:
Join the 94,690 people so far (as of 9a PT on Feb. 19) who have signed our online petition to demand that Microsoft not stop OEM and shrinkwrapped sales of Windows XP as planned on June 30, 2008, but instead keep it available indefinitely.

Save XP Count Update:
Join the 95,766 people so far (as of 9a PT on Feb. 22) who have signed our online petition to demand that Microsoft not stop OEM and shrinkwrapped sales of Windows XP as planned on June 30, 2008, but instead keep it available indefinitely.

Save XP Count Update:
Join the 96,424 people so far (as of 9a PT on Feb. 25) who have signed our online petition to demand that Microsoft not stop OEM and shrinkwrapped sales of Windows XP as planned on June 30, 2008, but instead keep it available indefinitely.

Save XP Count Update:
Join the 97,280 people so far (as of 9a PT on Feb. 28) who have signed our online petition to demand that Microsoft not stop OEM and shrinkwrapped sales of Windows XP as planned on June 30, 2008, but instead keep it available indefinitely.

Join the 99,391 people so far (as of 9a PT on March 10) who have signed our online petition to demand that Microsoft not stop OEM and shrinkwrapped sales of Windows XP as planned on June 30, 2008, but instead keep it available indefinitely.

Join the 100,595 people so far (as of 9a PT on March 13) who have signed our online petition to demand that Microsoft not stop OEM and shrinkwrapped sales of Windows XP as planned on June 30, 2008, but instead keep it available indefinitely.


Apr 19, 2004
About time...Vista is awesome when you have a machine that can run it.


Get those XP programmers focusing on Vista also.


Feb 1, 2006
given that you have to authorize XP through the internet, they can shut it off at any time anyway... All they have to do is send something through the net to require authorization and then shut the authorization tool off.

That's why at some point... we'll all be on linux prolly. :rolleyes:


Feb 1, 2006

Do you have any idea of what you are talking about?


Aug 6, 2007
I think M$ should continue to sell XP only to OEMs. I like Vista at home, but I wouldn't want to support it at work.


Aug 17, 2006
I took the survey... hopefully this will let manufacturers and developers concentrate on optimizing their hardware and software for Vista... RIP XP, you were good and I will dual-boot you for the indefinite future... but it's time to move on.


Feb 10, 2007
I think XP is safe for a while. Microsoft has a very stern-looking End-of-Life chart for all the Operating Systems but they have a history of extending support. MS extended mainstream support for both NT and 2000 past their original end-of-life dates. With the slow adaptation of Vista, I see no reason why XP won't go well beyond its intended 5-year lifespan.

Not that MS wants it that way...



Jan 7, 2007
They won't shut off activation. They'll just stop distributing copies of XP. So people will still get to reactivate if they have a reinstallation of XP.


Feb 7, 2006
With XP as with all Microsoft software currently for sale, the registration key can be revoked.
Also WGA can be push updated to kill any install of windows software.
I just wish I could get my Pinnacle HDTV card working with GNU/Linux, it would be all over for MS in my house.

In XP Pro I open a browser window and connect to google in 4 seconds.

In Vista Ultimate the same action takes 18 seconds.



Jan 7, 2007
your comp isn't good enough or hasn't gotten used to your habits. the more you use vista the more it will precache your most used applications so they start up faster...


Aug 6, 2007
XP should just be M$ solution for the corporate world instead of the business version of Vista [which is basically XP].


Besides, on XP, if you are so scared of them shutting it off, after you get all your updates, then run a software firewall that can block programs from having internet access, and just block anything microsoft, that would help on that end.


Sep 10, 2006

Yeah i turned that crap off. It makes your computer slower over all. But on the other note this sounds like when people upgraded to XP and expected it to run the same on old hardware as 98 did. If you seriously expect old hardware to run the same on every single windows OS as it did on the previous (duh) dunno what to tell ya.

My Vista Ultimate so far is pretty fast and responsive though im sure if i ran xp 64 bit it would be much faster.

Like has been said windows vista runs great if your computer can handle it.

XP is really the first windows i enjoyed using untill XP i wanted to go back to DOS 6.22 Vista isnt any worse then XP for me other then lazy ass companys that cant write a driver to save thier lives.

Other then 2 or 3 programs of mine that arent 100% compatable and a none existant sound blaster driver for my card other then the windows standard driver, I cant say i have had any issues with vista other then figuring out what was upgraded lol. They messed up some menus moved some stuff nedlessly and redid the sound properties in a way thats confusing and limiting.

Stability? i have yet to have any stability issues with any windows operating system i have used aside from when i have had faulty hardware such as ram or a cpu.

Im all for saving XP for some things. I used to use 98 on some older computers around the house while my main computer was upgraded to XP it will always have its uses much like 95 still has some ueses (i suppose if i still have a k6-2 300 laying around)

I dont really see what everyone is talking about when they bash on vista but then again everytime a new windows comes out they all say the same thing and want to save the old one. and the same people do the same when the next OS comes out they want to save the one they wanted to get rid of before and so on.


Aug 6, 2007
Very true, EnFoRceR22. Everyone hated XP when it came out. Why?: because it wasnt the same as Win98. Stuff was different, you had to go to different locations to find stuff. Honestly, Vista isnt that bad if you use it. If you dont use it, dont bash it.
Vista is a great OS but it still has problems. Security is much better compared to XP on most of the items. But XP still should be around, just in case since it IS supporting most of the the apps out there that still don't work on Vista.


Feb 10, 2007

Right on the money.

I have clients that have contact-management and accounting programs that are STILL not Vista-compatible or have only become so in the last month or two. That's not entirely the publisher's fault or MS's fault, but it seems completely bizarre to me that it's been a year since Vista's release and it can't be adopted by some companies even if they want it.

This means YOU, Sage Software!



Jan 15, 2005
I game on Vista Ultimate 64. I play Oblivion and Crysis and have no issues to report. It seems like bunches of posters (not necessarily in this thread) have gaming issues but I for one haven't noticed any problems.
Not Bashing Vista, I've had no problems with it, although I still prefer XP!

I often see comments indicating that individuals knocking Vista performance is because they have out dated hardware. This is not totally true. Probably a large number that upgraded to vista also upgraded their hardware - The performace increase was prabably due to Hardware.

My Son has a dual quad-core workstation. He tried vista 64, He said it was considerably SLOWER than XP 32 bit. He didn't even activate it.

My new Vista 1.6 GHz intel dual core Laptop (Bought it last week) w/1 gig Ram is slower than my old 1.1 Athlon XP W/384 Megs ram. I've ordered 2 gigs to replace the ram. Will see what that does to improve vista.


Jan 22, 2008
Vista is the new Windows ME.... You won't find anyone who builds performance systems using it as their main OS. I have migrated more systems back to XP in the last 6 months than I built in the previous 2 years. Especially laptops where performance is usually marginal. XP runs 100% faster on the average system. Yep, Vista has better security alright... I make a ton of money setting up home networks for people can't figure out to get Vista to communicate. You won't see any corporate support for Vista either.... This OS will have a very short life. Long live XP Pro!


Jul 18, 2006
In XP Pro I open a browser window and connect to google in 4 seconds.

In Vista Ultimate the same action takes 18 seconds.
Unless you're using dialup even 4 seconds is pretty crappy. I have Vista Ultimate and openning browser and connecting to Google takes less then 1 full second, unless my internet connection is really slow. Also "gaming sucks on Vista" is a complete myth now a days. With current hardware and updates Vista is as good if not better then XP in gaming. Hey while you're at it why don't you start a Save The P4 thread


Jul 18, 2006
You won't see any corporate support for Vista either.... This OS will have a very short life. Long live XP Pro!
Actually most corporations opted to stay with Windows 2000 rather then XP. XP Pro really only became the standard when support for 2000 dropped. So that doesn't really hold up.