Say What? Average PC Cannot Handle EA's Ignite Engine

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Biggest load of bull i have heard next to games on consoles running 2x the performance of a comparable pc
the carmack tweet was for specific graphics functions when you read the whole interview compared to dx9 but in the whole program its never near 2x when optimised for the hardware if they can even make the game that well optimised..

the fact the ps4 and x180 are low end cpu's with mid range gpu's and they initially make the games on pc in the first place makes this bull.
If we're talking about the average spec PC in the world, probably true. Or it's a way of saying "we can't be bothered to do it properly".
Seem you guys are upset. It's like APPLE VS GOOGLE. most games run better in a closed system vs games that are ran on a open system with different hardware. Pc people think it's all about crunching raw numbers and it not. Every ps4 and xbone is the same with a SoC cpu/gpu. There are advantages to console over pcs.
All these integrated graphics machines that get sold drive the lowest common denominator down dramatically. Even Intel's crystalwell top of the line is barely competitive. Add that to all the people running 10 year old video cards and boom you have 80% of the population with graphics weaker than a 2006 console. Sad really. But yes modifications to the Ignite engine itself would correct for this and it would not even be an outrageous effort.
70 percent or higher of the PC's on the market couldn't handle Wii U material let alone any EA Sports games. If you bought your PC from a retailer than chances are you got a watered down PC that is almost useless with hardcore Gaming. When the PS4 comes out this fall, it will be more powerful than 85 percent of the PC's currently on the market. Can't wait to see it kick $%^#$%.
Of course not, standard off the shelf PCs like he is describing barely have enough juice to play minecraft. They just don't want to spend what it would take to make a really good title just for the gaming PC crowd that wouldn't be profitable to them since we are the minority of gamers. I bet my 2 gtx 780s in sli and 4770k @ 4.5, 16gb of ram and 512gb SSD could easily handle that engine. But I'm in the top 1% of hardware like this they will naturally flock to the consoles where the money is at.
Translation: "We don't want to expend the time nor the resources to properly remake our games for PC, so we will put the blame on an imaginary lack of raw power to explain our shitty outsourced ports."
Your and my PC will vary. The consoles don't. They can optimize the game for that particular console. As for a PC they would have to optimize it for each and every system out there, AMD, INTE, or Intel with Nvidia Graphics, Intel with AMD graphics, AMD with Nvidia Graphics, AMD with AMD graphics, and add in OS's and so forth and so forth.... You understand companys dont want the headache of making a engine for each of your systems so they have to comprimise on the code, its not impossible, but it takes lots of time and effort...Hence the console, 1 console, 1 optimized code, they can base that engine with refinements over the consoles lifetime... Get it? Now get out!
geeze, I hope my 3930K, 16GB or RAM and GTX Titan can handle this... I didn't realize those consoles were so far ahead of the game....

Oh wait, it's EA/Origin, which sucks balls. Who cares.

tl;dr version: game devs, specifically those at EA are lazy.
What a load of bull, considering the PS4s Graphics bandwidth is of a freaking 150$ video card from 2012, EA is just turning into a big POS, oh well now like i play there crappy sports games anyways.
So hold on a second...

1) The world's worst company in the world, period.
2) making one of the worst software packages... period...
3) for multiple platforms when
a) Both consoles ARE x86 platforms... So while there are a few tweaks that could make them console specific, to code them against PCs you would have to really do that intentionally. But hey we're talking about EA. It is very likely they'll have some "If platform == 'XBox One' {" code just to go anti-PC, cause that's what they do.
b) Both consoles use APUs which are just GPUs on the CPU, In this case AMD (ATI) flavored GPUs. So sure Nvidia GPUs might not work as swell, but ironically M$ used them in their development suite...
4) Most importantly, Both consoles are PCs, Everything should work nicely crossed the board unless as for-mentioned you intentionally put in some blocks or some REALLY bad code. Especially considering the rather pathetic computing power of the XBone.

Now, aside from all that; I don't buy any EA games anymore. I'm done supporting them in anything they do, ever. They've ruined enough good companies buying them and running them into the ground. I don't care if it's gold, if their name is on it, I've got better things to spend my money on.

Lately I've been playing Indie games almost exclusively. I'm actually glad M$ told them to get lost, makes my console choices simple. PS4 it is. If I ever get one at all that is...
What a load of bull, considering the PS4s Graphics bandwidth is of a freaking 150$ video card from 2012, EA is just turning into a big POS, oh well now like i play there crappy sports games anyways.
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